Tree Canopy Expansion Program

As outlined in the Council approved Corporate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), $30,000 was allocated and approved in the 2021 Capital Budget to increase tree planting efforts in the City. This funding is in addition to the budget item for regular tree planting efforts undertaken by Forestry operations annually. The intention of this program is to address one priority action outlined in the CCAP; “Tree Canopy Expansion” and work toward a goal of 40% tree canopy coverage by 2050. This initiative requires expanding tree planting on both public and private land within the municipality. Included in the 2021 tree planting program is the $10,000 donation from John Monné (December 2019). These funds, combined with the $30,000 capital was used to successfully leverage additional grant funds from “Growing Canada’s Forests -2 Billion Trees”, Natural Resources Canada, for another $40,000.

What it includes

City Park Tree Planting includes 78 caliper trees to be planted in City Parks across all wards in the City. This will augment the existing tree canopy and provide additional shade and other tree benefits in parks and open spaces and enhance local neighbourhoods.

Trees planted in parks in June 2021 

  • Bridle Path Park (20)
  • Brooklyn Park ( 7)
  • Cedarland Park(12)
  • Holmedale Park(3)
  • John Wright Soccer Complex (5)
  • Orchard Park(10)
  • Parsons Park (5)
  • Princess Anne Park (7)
  • Spring Street Buck Park (9)

Tree Species planted

  • Alternate Leafed Dogwood
  • American Beech
  • Bitternut Hickory
  • Black Gum
  • Black Maple
  • Flowering Dogwood
  • Hackberry
  • Serviceberry, Tulip Tree
  • Shagbark Hickory
  • Sweet Gum
  • White Birch
  • White Oak, Red Oak
  • White Pine

City Park Tree Planting

Bridle Path Park residential tree giveaway

This pilot project was undertaken in May of 2021 with a goal to increase the tree canopy coverage on private residential properties within the municipality. Two hundred ( 200) small native trees (18”-24”) were offered to residential homeowners for free. Residents registered online, picked up their tree at a designated time and then planted their own tree. A small selection of tree species were available -depending on the space and location available in each resident’ yard (height, sunlight, soil type, etc.).

Commercial/Industrial cost share tree planting

This pilot program was initiated in the fall of 2021 with a goal to increase the tree canopy coverage on private commercial and industrial properties . The City will help cover the costs of tree planting on any industrial or commercial property within the City of Brantford limits that has sufficient planting space, by reimbursing property owners up to $500 to cover 50% of the costs of planting trees. Eligible expenses include the cost of trees, contract planting of trees, or equipment rentals to plant trees. The program requires that the proposed trees are species native to this area. City staff are available to provide guidance on recommended tree species, size and care and will conduct a follow-up site visit as part of the program.

Large area tree planting

5,000 trees to be planted at the municipal landfill site in designated areas (spanning approximately 3.5 acres) fall 2021. Plantings will be installed late in the 2021 season by contract tree planters. Trees vary in size from 18” to 4’ and include a selection of native tree species including:

  • Balsam Poplar
  • Redbud
  • Red Maple
  • Red/Silver Maple
  • Red Oak
  • Silver Maple
  • Shagbark Hickory
  • Sugar Maple
  • Trembling Aspen
  • White Birch
  • White Cedar
  • White Pine
  • White Spruce

These trees will enhance tree canopy coverage significantly and increase biodiversity in the area as well as provide other benefits including , rain storage to reduce flooding, providing shelter and food for birds, insects and animals, and cleaning the air and storing carbon dioxide to reduce the impacts of climate change. This project in itself will sequester approximately 1,500 tonnes of CO2e over the next 50 years .

Large Area Tree Plant