Customer Service
The Customer Service Counter at Brantford City Hall (58 Dalhousie St.) provides a central and convenient location to access in-person City services.
Popular City Services available Online
Many City Services can be addressed online using our virtual city map to help you find exactly what you're looking for.
Assessment Rolls |
The City of Brantford's Assessment Rolls list all properties in Brantford. They include each property's:
The Assessment Rolls are available for you to view by visiting City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, Ontario N3T 2J2. |
Business Licencing and Permits |
Business Licencing
If you require a Businesses Licences, learn how to apply online at the Business Licencing page. Permits You may need a permit to do certain things around your home or business. Prior to starting a new construction project either inside or outside, you must first determine whether you require a building permit Learn how to apply for a building permit online at the building permits page. The City of Brantford requires that a permit for new entrances and driveway alterations be obtained prior to any construction. |
Bylaw Infractions |
The City’s Municipal Law Enforcement and Property Standards (by-law) Team works with community partners, property owners, other agencies and the public to promote a safe, welcoming and vibrant City. Part of the team’s role is to encourage voluntary compliance with the City's by-laws and to provide enforcement as necessary. How to file a by-law complaintComplaints regarding potential violations of the City of Brantford Municipal Code can be made by completing the City's Online By-law Complaint Form or by calling Customer Service at 519-759-4150. The response to valid complaints will include an investigation to determine compliance or the necessary requirements to achieve compliance. Anonymous complaints will not be investigated. Complainant information is kept strictly confidential until such time as charges are deemed necessary, and the complainant may be required in court proceedings. |
Commissioning Appointments |
Please use our Commissioning Services online form. Once a team member has reviewed your submission as per the application form, you will be contacted by phone or email for an appointment.
Customer code of conduct policy |
The City of Brantford is dedicated to providing an accessible, welcoming and comfortable environment that respects all customers, visitors and staff. The City’s primary goal and approach to customer service is to explore and understand our customers’ requests and inquiries with the objective of providing responses and/or resolutions in a timely manner. |
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization Form |
Please complete this form to sign up for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) / Direct Deposit or to change your existing banking information with the Corporation of the City of Brantford. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFTs) can be sent in Canadian Funds only and to a Canadian Bank only Complete the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization Form. |
Garbage, Recycling, Yard Waste, Bulk Pick Up |
Garbage and Recycling
For general information, visit the garbage and recycling page. To learn about acceptable items for recycling, visit our recycling page. To report a Garbage, Recycling or Yard Waste Collection issue, use our online form to Submit a Service Request. Bulk Pick Up Schedule a Bulk Item Pick up online using our Bulk Pick Up form. |
Marriage Licence Applications |
The City of Brantford has implemented a service provision for Marriage Licence application and issuance to better serve the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit our website to complete the Marriage License Appointment Form. |
Parking Tickets |
You can pay your parking ticket by mail or online. Learn more at our Pay your Parking Ticket page. |
Property Tax and Utility Bills |
You can use the drop off box, located at the top of the ramp on the Queen St side entry door at City Hall, 58 Dalhousie St. Please note do not include any cash when using a drop-box. Property Tax For more information and billing dates, visit the property tax page.
Utilities and Water The City of Brantford's Customer Services-Utilities department handles water, wastewater and Brantford Hydro equipment rentals. You can pay your bills online. Obtain account information, complete forms and sign-up for pre-authorized payment plans at the My Utility Brantford page. Access landlord and tenant forms online. Access Pre-Authorized Debit Plan Agreement online. |
Report an Issue or Request a City Service |
Please use our online form to report and issue or request a non-urgent City service. |