Meetings of Council

Meetings of Council

City Council, Committee of the Whole, and Standing Committee meetings are held in a hybrid (mix of in-person and virtual attendance) model. City Council, Committee of the Whole, and Standing Committee meetings are streamed live. 

All Advisory Committees and Task Forces will be held in a hybrid meeting format, with the exception of Brantford Airport Board meetings which will be held in-person. Members of the Public are invited to attend all open meetings in person to watch. Members wishing to participate as a delegation, please see the below information. 

All Agendas will continue to be posted with proper notice being provided to the public. 

Please visit the City Council Meeting Calendar for meeting dates and agendas.

Watch Hybrid Meetings Online

Members of the public can watch Council, Committee of the Whole and Standing Committee meetings live online by visiting the City of Brantford YouTube Channel.

Alternate call in numbers for virtual meetings of Council:

If there are difficulties viewing the meeting via YouTube, members of the public can call into the meeting to listen. Please visit the Council Calendar as the phone number and Webinar ID is listed at the top of the agenda for the meeting. 

Registration to attend to a meeting in person or as a delegation

Council, Committee of the Whole and Standing Committees

Council, Committee of the Whole and Standing Committee meetings are held in a hybrid (mix of in-person and virtual attendance) model. Those wishing to speak at a meeting as a delegation will be required to register by 9 a.m. the day of the scheduled meeting or 9 a.m. the day prior to the meeting for Social Services Committee or the Planning Committee. Members appearing to a Statutory Public Meeting are not required to register if attending in person however will need to register if joining virtually so as to receive a link to join.  

Those wishing to register to participate as a delegation or virtual attendance can do so at by selecting the meeting they would like to either speak at and clicking the unique registration link. Registration is also available by phone at 519-759-4150. 

Members of the public are also able to provide their comments in writing or via email in advance of the meeting.  Comments can be submitted by emailing anytime prior to the meeting or by mail to City Clerk, City of Brantford, 58 Dalhousie Street, P.O. Box 818, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 2J2.  Comments can also be placed in the drop box which is available at the front of City Hall. All comments received prior to the meeting will be provided to members of the body.

Advisory Committees and Task Forces

Advisory Committees and Task Forces will be held in a hybrid format and will no longer be streamed live. All meetings, except those of a quasi-judicial manner will be recorded and uploaded to the City of Brantford YouTube channel. Members of the public can attend the meetings virtually or in-person either as a delegation or to watch. 

Registration as a delegation is required by 9 a.m. the day of the scheduled meeting. Those wishing to register can do so at by selecting the meeting they would like to either speak at or watch and clicking the unique registration link. Registration is also available by phone at 519-759-4150. 

Members of the public who would like to watch a meeting in person are invited to do so without the need to register.

Members of the public are also able to provide their comments in writing or via email in advance of the meeting.  Comments can be submitted by emailing anytime prior to the meeting or by mail to City Clerk, City of Brantford, 58 Dalhousie Street, P.O. Box 818, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 2J2.  Comments can also be placed in the drop box which is available at the front of City Hall. All comments received prior to the meeting will be provided to members of the body.

Conflict of Interest Registry
To view the City of Brantford Conflict of Interest Registry please visit this link and click on Conflicts Registry in the top right.