Oak Park Road Extension

Thank you to all who have provided input to date regarding the Oak Park Road Extension Environmental Assessment (EA). In June 2021, Brantford City Council authorized completion of EA Phase 2 investigative studies, and taking into account public feedback, directed City staff to explore alternative strategies to improve overall traffic operations to alleviate traffic demand on existing local routes, reduce travel times, and support future population growth.

Specifically, transportation staff will undertake discussions with neighbouring municipalities to explore alternate mutually beneficial solutions, and conduct a comprehensive assessment of post-pandemic impacts on local and regional travel behaviour. Future efforts will also focus on preliminary design of traffic improvements and noise reduction strategies along Colborne Street West from Fire Station 4 to 400m west of D’Aubigny Road.

Results and recommendations informed by this next series of studies will be considered by City Council in fall 2023.

The Study

The extension is intended to improve overall traffic operations and accommodate population and employment growth in the City by helping to connect communities, alleviate traffic demand on existing local routes, reduce travel times, and support future developments. 

View our Oak Park Road Extension Study Area

Virtual Public Information Centre #2

On March 31, 2021 the City hosted a live virtual Public Information Centre where members of the public asked questions and provided feedback directly to the project team. 

PIC #2 Detailed Evaluation Display Boards

PIC #2 Detailed Evaluation Summary

Virtual Public Information Centre 1 - November 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City hosted the first PIC virtually with the objective to provide an overview of the project, including the EA process, a preliminary evaluation of alternative planning solutions and next steps in the project. In addition to the following video, a transcript of the video content, the entire PIC boards, and the slide for the evaluation of alternate solutions are also available for review.

In addition to the following Question and Answer video, a transcript of the video content and Q&A boards are also available for review.