Your City Budget

The City of Brantford recognizes that municipal budget decisions have a profound impact on the daily lives of residents. From garbage collection, to public transit, to the safety of our neighbourhoods, budgets sit at the heart of residents’ quality of life and the community’s future development. 

Final 2025 budget

Your say on the City’s budget

The public engagement campaign to inform the City’s 2025 budget directly engaged over 1,500 residents through surveys, focus groups, and consultations. Key findings included strong support for improving transit infrastructure, which was initially designed in the 1980s and requires substantial investment to address current needs. Additionally, a majority of participants emphasized the need to expand affordable housing options, improve public safety and balance development with the preservation of green spaces.

Final 2024 Adopted Budget

Prior year Mayor’s recommended city budget

Prior year's budget - local boards

Prior year's budget – city services