Notice of Study PIC - Northwest Municipal Services Expansion EAs

Notice of Study Public Information Centre

Northwest Municipal Services Expansion Environmental Assessments

 Project Information

The City has initiated Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Studies to expand the water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation infrastructure to north of Highway 403, and ultimately to the City’s Northwest Expansion Lands. The MCEAs identify and consider alternative solutions for the services expansion. Due to the overlapping nature and geographic proximity of the recommended MSP and TMP projects, and their combined need to satisfy an optimized servicing strategy, the individual projects are being completed simultaneously.

Northwest Brantford Municipal Services Expansion Study Area Map

Figure 1: Study Area Map

Through the Study process, the City has separated the Oak Park Trunk Sewer project into two with the additional Powerline Road Trunk Sewer (Schedule B) project. The Powerline Road Trunk Sewer was separated into its own project in order to facilitate the design and construction of the first phase of trunk water and wastewater infrastructure on Oak Park Road, which is prioritized in support of development needs. Further, the separation of the Powerline Road Trunk Sewer allows for the sewer alignment alternatives to be reviewed and evaluated in coordination with the Powerline Road Trunk Watermain and Powerline Road Widening projects.

Public Involvement

The City invites businesses, residents, agencies, and interested stakeholders to participate in this planning process and learn more about the planning study through attendance at a Public Information Centre (PIC). This PIC is the first of two (2) PICs for the Northwest Municipal Services Expansion Studies to allow the public the opportunity to share comments and concerns.

The objective of this PIC is summarized in the table below:

The objective of the public meeting

Project Name

PIC 1 Objective

Project MCEA Schedule

Oak Park Road Trunk Watermain

Preliminary Preferred Alternative


Powerline Road Trunk Watermain

Opportunities and Constraints, and present Alternatives


Oak Park Road Trunk Sewer

Preliminary Preferred Alternative


Powerline Road Trunk Sewer

Opportunities and Constraints, and present Alternatives


Stormwater Management in Grand River Northwest Catchment

Opportunities and Constraints, and present Alternatives


Oak Park Road Widening

Preliminary Preferred Alternative Solution


Powerline Road Widening

Preliminary Preferred Alternative Solution


Members of the project team will be available at the PIC to answer questions and discuss the study progress to date.

The PIC is scheduled to take place on:

Date and Time: January 18, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. - Presentation at 5:15 p.m. with open questions and answers to follow.

Location: Walter Gretzky Municipal Golf Course and Learning Centre, 320 Balmoral Drive, Brantford, Ontario N3R 7S2

For more information, please visit the Project Website at or reach out to a member of the project team.

Ms. Guangli Zhang, P. Eng.
Senior Project Manager
City of Brantford
324 Grand River Ave, P.O. Box 818
Brantford, Ontario, N3T 5R7
Phone: 519-759-4150 Ext. 5705
Mr. Julien Bell, P.Eng.
Consulting Team Project Manager
GM BluePlan Engineering Limited
1266 South Service Rd, Unit C3-1
Stoney Creek, Ontario, L8E 5R9
Phone: 905-643-6688 ext. 4264

Note: Information collected for the study will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Except for personal information, including your name, address and property location, all comments received throughout the study will become part of the public record and included in project documentation.

First Issued on January 4, 2024