Community Safety and Well-being Plan

The City of Brantford’s Community Safety and Well-being Plan (CSWP) 2021-2025 addresses a number of key priorities with a goal to build a community that continues to be a great place to live, work, learn and play.

The purpose of CSWP planning is to achieve the ideal state of sustainable community where everyone is safe and has a sense of belonging; everyone has access to services; and individuals and families can meet their needs. Working with senior leaders from a number of key sectors including health, education, and police, the City determined six priorities to focus on including; increasing the supply of affordable housing; creating opportunities for children and youth; supporting older adults; safe neighbourhoods; embracing a welcoming and diverse community and support the Brant County Health unit and other community agencies in their efforts to address the local impacts of substance use.

The seven priorities informed 27 actions in the plan, some of which include:

  • Install a downtown CCTV program
  • Expand the Healthy Kids and EarlyON programs
  • Implement the Mayors’ Housing Partnership Action Plan
  • Support for Vision Zero traffic safety initiatives
  • Expand Seniors’ Recreational programs
  • Increase cultural events and celebrations

Brantford’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan will be reviewed every four years. With this plan, the City of Brantford has  an opportunity to provide leadership in areas within the municipal scope and advocate for needed community resources and policy change in areas outside of the municipal scope with the goal to build a better Brantford.