Oak Park Road Trunk Watermain and Trunk Sewer Notice of Study Completion

Notice of Study Completion

Northwest Municipal Services Expansion Environmental Assessments

Oak Park Road Trunk Watermain and Oak Park Road Trunk Sewer

Project Information

The City is undertaking Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Studies to expand the water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation infrastructure to north of Highway 403, and ultimately to the City’s Northwest Expansion Lands. Due to the overlapping nature and geographic proximity of projects recommended in the Master Serving Plan and Transportation Master Plan, and their combined need to satisfy an optimized servicing strategy, seven (7) individual projects are being completed simultaneously.

The City has completed the Oak Park Road Trunk Watermain and the Oak Park Road Trunk Sewer projects to prioritize the design and construction of the first phase of the water and wastewater infrastructure on Oak Park Road. The City completed these projects as a Schedule B EA under the Municipal Class EA process.

Study Area 

Study Area Map

Public Consultation

Your input is important in the Class EA process. You are invited to review the final documentation and provide any feedback and comments. The Project Team completed two (2) Project File Reports documenting the planning process, details of the study recommendations, as well as potential impacts and mitigation measures of the Oak Park Road Trunk Sewer and the Oak Park Road Trunk Watermain. The Project File Reports are available for a public review period, ending October 31, 2024. Comments received following this Notice will be incorporated into the remaining Class EA studies to be completed as part of the Northwest Municipal Services Expansion study.

The Project File Reports are available for review on the City’s website Brantford.ca/NWServicesExpansion and in person at the following locations during regular hours of operation:

  • Brantford Public Library – Main Branch - 173 Colborne Street, Brantford, Ontario
  • Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre - 254 North Park St, Brantford Ontario

Comment Submission

If you wish to submit comments and/or concerns on these two projects, please first contact a member of the Project Team:

Guangli Zhang, P. Eng.
Senior Project Manager
City of Brantford
519-759-4150 Ext. 5705
Chris  Hamel, P.Eng.
Consulting Team Project Manager
GEI Consultants
1266 South Service Rd, Unit C3-1
Stoney Creek, Ontario, L8E 5R9
905-643-6688 Ext. 6227

If your concerns cannot be resolved, a request may be made to the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Director of the Environmental Assessment Branch for an order imposing additional conditions on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights. Requests should be sent to:

Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 2J3
Director, Environmental Assessment Branch
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor
Toronto ON, M4V 1P5

For more information, please visit the Project website at Brantford.ca/NWServicesExpansion or reach out to a member of the project team noted above.

Note: Information collected for the study will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Except for personal information, including your name, address and property location, all comments received throughout the study will become part of the public record and included in project documentation.

First Issued on July 4, 2024

Revised on July 25, 2024