Flooding Relief and Prevention Grant Programs

Basement Flooding Prevention Grant Program

The Basement Flooding Prevention Grant Program helps homeowners reduce the risk of basement flooding by offering financial support for eligible home improvements. The program covers 80 percent of the costs, up to a maximum of $5,000 (Canadian dollars), for approved works such as:

  • Installing an approved backwater valve
  • Adding a new sump pit and pump with a battery backup
  • Disconnecting, capping, or redirecting downspouts
  • Repairing sewer laterals
  • Disconnecting weeping tiles from storm and/or sanitary systems

Learn more about how you can reduce your risk of basement flooding from The Intact Centre for Climate Adaptation.  

A list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Basement Flooding Prevention Grant Program is available for review.

Basement Flooding Prevention Grant Program Application and Details

Program eligibility

To qualify for the program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Work cannot begin until the City has approved the submitted application
  • Your property must not be under a new construction warranty
  • You must be the homeowner, reside at the property, and have paid property taxes in full at the time of application
  • Your property must not have exceeded the lifetime maximum subsidy amount for each eligible installation
  • All downspouts from your property’s eavestrough must already be disconnected from the City’s sewer system

Eligible works and grant amounts

The grant provides up to $5,000 (Canadian dollars) per household, covering 80 percent of the costs for each eligible project approved by the City in accordance with the grant payment schedule.

Basement flooding risk assessment

You may receive up to $300 to help cover the cost of a professional assessment of potential water entry points in your home. This includes recommendations to reduce the risk of basement flooding.


  • Provide one quote for the estimated works
  • Submit a copy of the report findings outlining actions to reduce basement flooding risk.
  • Include any CCTV video evidence

Note: You can apply for this assessment on its own or in combination with other eligible works

Disconnection of downspouts with capping of sanitary or storm system access

You may receive 80 percent of the final invoiced cost, up to $500, for disconnecting downspouts from the sanitary and/or storm systems and redirecting water to a permeable area.

Before starting work:

  • Submit photos showing the current condition of the downspouts
  • Provide a sketch of the proposed work

After completing work:

Submit photos showing:

  • All downspouts are disconnected
  • Completed capping of former discharge entry points
  • Water runoff is directed to a permeable area, away from your home, to prevent flooding, erosion, or nuisance to neighbouring properties

Already disconnected?

If your downspouts are already disconnected, submit photos proving they discharge water runoff to a permeable area as described above.

Note: Disconnection is mandatory to qualify for any grants under this program. See the Property Standards By-law (465.22.4) for more details.

Downspout with capping

Installation of internal backwater valve

You may receive 80 percent of the final invoiced cost, up to $3,000, for installing an internal backwater valve.


  • A plumbing permit is required:
    • The permit costs $105, which is the homeowner’s responsibility
    • Permits can take up to 10 days to process
    • Contact the Building Department at building@brantford.ca to arrange an inspection
  • Submit three sets of photos:
    • Before: Area where the work will be completed
    • During: Installed backwater valve
    • After: Completed work

Installations must comply with the Ontario Building Code (Division B, Section can be on the storm sewer and/or sanitary sewer.

Installation of external backwater valve

You may receive 80 percent of the final invoiced cost, up to $5,000, for installing an external backwater valve.


  • plumbing permit is required:
    • The permit costs $105, which is the homeowner’s responsibility.
    • Permits can take up to 10 days to process.
    • Contact the Building Department at building@brantford.ca to arrange an inspection.
  • Submit three sets of photos:
    • Before: Area where the work will be completed
    • During: Installed backwater valve
    • After: Completed work, including a photo of the cleanout pipe and backwater valve access

Installations must comply with the Ontario Building Code (Division B, Section and be located entirely on private property.

Important: Utility locates are the responsibility of the homeowner. Work done without proper inspection and approval will result in the cancellation of grant funding.

Installation of new sump pit and pump with battery back-up

You may receive 80 percent of the final invoiced cost, up to $4,000, for installing a new sump pit and pump with battery backup connected to existing weeping tile or a new internal drainage system.


  • The sump pit and pump must collect water from weeping tiles and discharge it to a permeable area
  • The weeping tiles must be disconnected from the storm and/or sanitary system
  • Submit three sets of photos:
    • Before: Area where the work will be completed
    • During: Installed sump pump and pit connected to the weeping tile
    • After: Completed work, including the discharge pipe to a permeable surface


  • The grant does not cover maintenance, repair, or replacement of existing sump pits or pumps. Only new installations are eligible.
  • This grant does not cover water-powered sump pumps that are connected to municipal water source

Any replacements or repairs to your existing system (except for private storm laterals) or devices are not eligible under this program as these are part of the normal upkeep or maintenance of the property owner.

How to apply

You can apply for the Basement Flooding Prevention Grant online. Please make sure to include an itemized, detailed quote with your application that has:

  • estimated costs for all work to be undertaken
  • separate line item costs for each of the eligible works, which include the costs of materials and contractor labour for each of the eligible works submitted

Apply for the Basement Flooding Prevention Grant

Finding contractors

Homeowners are strongly encouraged to research and hire a contractor licensed by the City of Brantford. Be sure to check references and ask questions throughout the process. It is recommended you obtain a minimum of three (3) quotes before hiring a contractor licensed City of Brantford.

Learn more about your rights when starting home renovations or repairs.

Licensed contractors

After receiving your Commitment Letter

Once you have received your signed Commitment Letter, follow these steps to proceed with the grant:

1.  For Backwater Valve Installations:

  • Apply for a plumbing permit and schedule an inspection.
  • Note: The $105 plumbing permit fee is the homeowner’s responsibility.

2.  Before Starting Work:

  • Take clear “Before” photos of the work area as outlined in the eligible works criteria.

3.  Proceed with the Recommended Work:

  • Ensure all preventative measures and work follow the approved guidelines.


  • Homeowners are responsible for utility locates before beginning any work.
  • If any preventative work is completed without proper inspection and approval, the approved grant may be cancelled.

Grant payment process

The City will reimburse 80 percent of the cost of eligible work (up to a maximum of $5,000), after receiving the following:

1.  Proof of Payment:

  • Receipts for completed work by a contractor or for materials and equipment (labour costs for work done by the homeowner are not eligible).

2.  City Verification:

  • A satisfactory inspection of the downspout disconnection and other approved work.

3.  Inspection Results:

  • A City inspection confirming the proper installation of the sump pump, backwater valve, or internal drainage system.

Note: A plumbing permit is required for backwater valve installations.

4.  Photo Documentation:

  • “Before,” “During,” and “After” photos of all completed work.
  • Photos showing disconnected downspouts and capping of former discharge entry points. If downspouts were already disconnected, proof is required.

Submit your documentation by email to floodprevention@brantford.ca or drop it off at City Hall (58 Dalhousie Street). Reference “Basement Flood Prevention Grant – Environmental Services.”

Program terms

Grant approvals are subject to available funding and are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Approved grants may expire if:

  • Work is not completed within six months of receiving the signed Commitment Letter.
  • Payment confirmation for completed work is not submitted.
  • Inspections or verifications are unsatisfactory.
  • Required forms (e.g., the Commitment Letter) are incomplete or unsigned.
  • The City reserves the right to adjust the program to ensure its success.

Maintenance reminder

To protect your home from basement flooding, maintain all flood prevention devices according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Keeping these devices in good working order is essential for your home’s safety.

Residential Compassionate Flood Relief Grant Program

Applications are no longer being accepted for the Residential Compassionate Flood Relief Grant. 

The City of Brantford’s Residential Compassionate Flood Grant Program provided a one-time grant of up to $5,000 to residential homeowners who incurred documented expenses as a result of the heavy rainfall event that occurred on July 16, 2024.