Assisted Funeral Services
The City provides financial assistance on behalf of deceased Brantford-Brant residents who do not have sufficient funds in their estate to fully cover the cost of a basic funeral, burial and/or cremation. Applicants will be required to collect the following information regarding the deceased:
- Full name & address
- Date of birth
- Date of death
- Place of death
- Social insurance number
- Marital status
- List of assets (bank account details)
- Life insurance/prepaid funeral
- Source of income
- Sponsorship arrangements (if applicable)
- Next of Kin
- Wills and executor(s)
- Previous Year's Notice of Assessment
Apply for an Assisted Funeral Service
Who Can Apply |
Those who can apply include: next of kin, a relative, friend or professional associated with a person in receipt of OW, ODSP or low income in Brantford-Brant at that time of their death. Police and/or Hospital/Long Term Care Centre representatives will notify the Regional Supervising Coroner if a deceased individual is unclaimed despite reasonable efforts to locate a potential claimant. The Regional Supervising Coroner will issue a written order directing the City to proceed with assisted funeral services. |
Eligibility for assisted funeral services |
Eligibility for assistance is based on the deceased individual's assets (for example, life insurance, property) at the time of their death.
Asset Limits |
Assisted Funeral Service Providers in the City of Brantford & County of Brant
Tranquility Burial & Cremations Services Inc. (Immediate Disposition Services only)
276 St. Paul Ave., Brantford ON
N3R 4M8
(519) 757-1654
William Kipp Funeral Home Limited (Immediate Disposition Services only)
184 Grand River St. N, Paris ON
N3L 2N1
(519) 442-3061
Dwayne D. Budgell Funeral Home
1105 Rest Acres Road
Paris, ON
N3L 3E3
(519) 442-2200
Hill & Robinson Funeral Home & Cremation Centre
30 Nelson Street
Brantford, ON
N3T 2M8
(519) 752-2543
McCleister Funeral Home
495 Park Road North
Brantford, ON
N3R 7K8
(519) 758-1553
Toll Funeral Home
55 Charing Cross St
Brantford ON
N3R 2H4
(226) 741-3898
Contact a member of the Assisted Funeral Services team
Contact the Assisted Funeral Services Team to determine financial eligibility for an assisted funeral prior to making arrangements with a Funeral Service Provider.
225 Colborne Street
PO Box 845
Brantford, ON N3T 2H2
Phone: (519) 759-3330 Ext. 6381
Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Email Assisted Funeral Services