The City of Brantford's Fire department provides fire and emergency services. If there is a live fire or this is an emergency, call 9-1-1.
Safety tips
Follow these safety tips to prevent fires and injuries in your home.
Apartment safety
It is important to take fires and fire drills in your building seriously. You must act quickly and follow the correct evacuation steps.
In case of fire:
- Follow your building's evacuation plan.
- If you can, exit the building using the nearest exit stairwell.
- Don't use elevators.
- If there is a fire or heavy smoke outside your door, don't leave the apartment until you receive instructions from the authorities.
- Secure your vents and doors to prevent any smoke from entering. You can use wet towels to seal your doors.
- Call 9-1-1 if you think the fire has not been reported.
- Don't re-enter the building until a fire official tells you it is safe.
Around your house
Follow these everyday fire prevention tips:
- Unplug any electrical appliances that are not in use.
- Don't leave burning candles unattended.
- Store flammable liquids like gasoline and paint in a shed or garage.
- Never keep propane cylinders in your house.
- Keep your furnace and heater clear of combustible items.
- Use outdoor grills with caution, and never use them inside.
- Don't leave cooking unattended.
- Don't wear loose clothes while cooking.
- While using your oven, be cautious of any smoke or fire.
- Have your heating appliances inspected annually.
To keep safe in an emergency, make a fire escape plan for your house.
Barbecues on apartment balconies
If your apartment's rental agreement or by-law prohibits barbeques, you must follow these rules. If they are permitted use a service elevator to transport propane cylinders if available. In the absence of a service elevator, you should take the cylinder in an empty elevator car. Learn more about technical safety standards.
Candle safety
Burn candles responsibly and learn about candle safety concerns.
Follow our candle safety tips to prevent fires:
- Don't leave burning candles unattended.
- Don't burn candles on or near anything that can catch fire.
- Keep burning candles away from children and pets.
- Trim candle wicks before burning them.
- Place candles on stable, heat resistant surfaces before lighting them.
Children and fire
Never let your children play with fire. Teach your child about the dangers of fire.
Child safety tips:
- Teach your children that fire is not a toy.
- Tell them not to touch lighters or matches.
- Teach them about your home escape plan.
- Teach them to "stop, drop and roll”, if their clothing catches fire.
- Keep burning candles, matches and lighters out of their reach.
- Keep children away from stoves and other heating appliances.
- Keep flammable liquids away from children.
Contact the Brantford Fire department to help your child learn more about fire safety.
Disposal of Boat Flares
Please dispose of used flares in the garbage by soaking the flare in water to ensure that it is cold before throwing it away.
Expired flares cannot be disposed of through residential collection programs. Please do not drop them off at any City of Brantford fire stations. To help boaters dispose of expired flares in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, the Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons (CPS-ECP) and selected CIL Dealers host Disposal Days where you can bring in your outdated flares.
Home escape planning
You should create a home escape plan for your house. Use our fire escape guide to create one today. Begin by marking all exit doors and windows. If you practice following the evacuation plan, you will know what to do during an actual fire emergency. Use the following tips to help plan your home fire escape:
- Make a home fire escape plan for yourself and/or the older adults in your household means making plans for your abilities and home environment.
- Remove clutter in the hallways, stairways, and near exits/windows for a clear, safe path out of your home.
- Keep your walker, scooter, cane, or wheelchair by your bed/where you sleep to make sure you can reach it quickly.
- Keep your eyeglasses, mobile phone, and a flashlight by your bed/where you sleep to be able to reach them quickly in an emergency.
- If you cannot escape safely, keep your door shut, place a towel or blanket at the bottom of the door and stand near the window for fire service to reach you. Call 911 to let the fire department know you are inside the home.
- If you are deaf, hearing impaired, or have trouble hearing, install a bedside alert such as a bed shaker alarm that works with your smoke alarm to alert you of a fire. Strobe light alarms can be added to your smoke alarms for a visual alert.
- For people who are visually impaired or blind, the sound of the smoke alarm can become disorienting in an emergency. Practice the escape plan with the sound of the alarm to become familiar with, and practice with the extra noise.
- When looking for an apartment or high-rise home, look for one with an automatic sprinkler system
For individuals with cognitive disabilities, work with your healthcare providers and the Brantford Fire Department to make a plan that works for your needs.
Fire extinguishers
Keep a portable fire extinguisher in your house. Only use if it is safe to do so and the fire department has been contacted.
How to use a fire extinguisher:
- Pull the pin first to unlock the operating lever.
- Aim low at the base of the fire.
- Squeeze the lever.
- Sweep the fire extinguisher from side to side.
- Continue until the fire is out.
Smoke alarms
Smoke alarms are required in all homes under the Ontario Fire Code and the Ontario Building Code. Smoke alarm requirements differ based on the year of home construction. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to make sure the following requirements are met and to ensure they are in working order by changing the batteries twice per year and testing them monthly.
Ontario Building Code Edition
Ontario Building Code Edition | 1975 | 1983 | 1986 | 1990 | 1997 | 2006 | 2012 |
Smoke alarms must be audible in bedrooms when the door is closed |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Battery operated or hardwired smoke alarms permitted |
Required |
Smoke alarms installed on or near the ceiling and in accordance to manufacturer’s instructions |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Smoke alarms between bedrooms and the remainder of the home |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Smoke alarms on every storey of the home (including the basement) |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Smoke alarms shall be hardwired and interconnected if more than one alarm is required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Smoke alarms hardwired to the home’s power supply (must remain hardwired when replacing) |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Required plus seven day battery backup |
Smoke alarms must be within 5 metres (15 feet) of any bedroom door |
Required |
Required |
Required |
Smoke alarms in every sleeping room |
Required |
Smoke alarms must have a visual component (such as a strobe) with a temporal or voice/temporal sound pattern |
Required |
- On March 1, 2006 the Ontario Fire Code required smoke alarms on every storey of every home resulting in the retrofit of all homes constructed prior to 2006, the additional smoke alarms are permitted to be battery operated
- Under the Ontario Fire Code it is the property owner's responsibility to ensure the required level of fire protection is being met & maintained at all times.
If you are a tenant, please contact your landlord for smoke alarms. Replace smoke alarms as directed by the manufacturer and change the batteries in battery-operated alarms twice per year. Test alarms monthly to make sure they are working properly.
Seasonal fire safety
Spring fire safety:
- Clear your basement of unneeded combustible materials.
- Test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
- Check all exposed electrical wires and fuse boxes. Have a qualified electrician replace any damaged wiring or electrical service equipment.
- Check your barbeques propane cylinder and hose. Replace any damaged items.
- Store any fuels in a garage or shed outside of your home.
Summer safety:
Fall safety:
- Have your furnace and chimney inspected at least once a year by a qualified professional.
- Remove all 'trash' from your home and always keep at least 3 feet clear around your furnace and hot water heater.
- Make sure children's Halloween costumes are not flammable and kept away from open flames and heat.
- Use flashlights when you go out for trick-or-treating.
Winter safety:
- Place your Christmas tree on a stable platform, away from fireplaces.
- Check your Christmas lights for any broken wires.
- Christmas trees with a high-moisture content are less likely to catch fire. If you must use a real tree, make sure to water often.
- Turn off all indoor Christmas lights when you go to sleep or leave the house.
- Burn candles responsibly.
- Don't leave space heaters unattended and keep them clear of combustible material.
Wood stoves
Follow these fire safety tips:
- Buy only safety certified stoves.
- Learn about the installation, care and safety before using the woodstove.
- Install a proper chimney for your stove to the outside.
You should hire a professional technician to install your stove and chimney and to inspect them annually.
Carbon monoxide
Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas. You cannot see it, smell it or taste it.
Beeping carbon monoxide alarm

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Map of instructions of what to do when a carbon monoxide alarm is beeping
Follow this guide to assess the situation when a carbon monoxide alarm is on.
Are people in the home showing signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning?
- Leave the house immediately and go to a fresh air source
- Phone Brantford Fire at 9-1-1
- Do NOT re-enter the home until advised to do so by officials
- Open all doors and windows to ventilate the home
- Close all windows and doors
- Reset the detector and if it sounds again, call the fire department
- If the alarm does not sound a second time, check the common sources that may cause a carbon monoxide build-up
- Call a qualified technician to inspect and repair the problem
What creates carbon monoxide?
The incomplete burning of fuels such as natural gas, propane, heating oil, kerosene, coal, charcoal or wood

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Map of instructions of what to do when a carbon monoxide alarm is beeping
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning
You may experience flu-like symptom such as headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, burning eyes, confusion and even loss of consciousness. In severe cases, it can cause brain damage and even death.
Older adults, children, people with heart or respiratory conditions and pets may be more susceptible to it, and feel the effects earlier than others.
Protect yourself from carbon monoxide
- Install at least one carbon monoxide alarm in your home. If you only have one, it should be on the same level as your bedroom(s).
- Replace carbon monoxide alarms as directed by the manufacturer. If the alarm has a battery, change them twice a year. Test carbon monoxide alarms once a month to ensure they are working properly.
- Annually have a qualified technician inspect, maintain and clean all fuel-burning appliances, vent pipes and chimney flues.
After a fire
It is very important to return to your regular routine after a fire. This can take a long time, depending on the severity of your loss, injuries and damages.
After a fire, take the following steps to get started:
- Visit a medical professional if you have any injuries.
- Be aware that smoke inhalation can cause persistent cough, wheezing, vomiting, high, or breathing difficulty. Call or see a medical professional if you are concerned.
- Call your insurance company about damages. Remember to make a list of all the damaged goods for an insurance claim.
- Call your landlord or mortgage institution about damages.
- Find community centres that provide shelter, food, childcare and counseling, if you need them.
- Once it is safe to enter the house, collect personal items with help from the fire department.
- Secure and lock your property.
- Don't consume any food or beverages from the house, as it may contain soot or other contaminants.
- Replace your damaged documents such as passports and birth certificates.
- Seek any professional help that you need. The sooner you get your life back on track, the better.