Mohawk Street Landfill waiving residential fees for storm debris until June 4, 2022
![Crews clearing tree limbs](/en/your-government/resources/Images/Council/2_tree-over-sidewalk---202-Grey-St.jpg)
The City appreciates residents’ patience and understanding as City crews continue cleanup efforts of tree limbs and branches on sidewalks, side-roads and boulevards after Saturday’s storm. To facilitate clearing, if you’re able, please place large branches on the boulevards for City crews to clear. If residents are able to transport debris, the Mohawk Street landfill is open for free residential drop off of leaf and yard waste Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free drop off of residential debris related to the May 21, 2022 storm event will be offered at the Landfill until Saturday, June 4, 2022. The Landfill is closed on Sundays.
The tipping fee of $10 per load charged for residents who bring large tree branches with a weight of 150 Kg or less will be waived until June 4, 2022. Commercial customers will still be required to continue to pay $73/tonne for brush and other compostable waste. For more information about the Mohawk Landfill please visit:
For smaller quantities of leaf and yard waste or brush, residents are reminded that if the branches are under 4 inches in diameter, they can be cut, bundled and set out on your regular garbage day as per the City’s standard waste collection processes. If branches are 4 inches or larger in diameter, please place on City boulevards for City crews to clear.
If there are larger tree issues on your property, please enlist qualified individuals/companies to ensure the clearing work is carried out safely. Use of chainsaws and cutting overhead tree limbs can be dangerous and should only be done by trained and qualified individuals.
To report downed trees/debris blocking roads, sidewalks or trails please call the City at 519-759-4150. We ask for the public’s continued patience as crews work through addressing a backlog of requests in order of priority. Thank you.
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