City launches COVID-19 Violations Reporting Process

BRANTFORD, ON: As part of the City's continuing efforts to stop the spread of Coronavirus Covid-19, on March 30th, 2020, Mayor Kevin Davis signed an order to temporarily close all City-owned playgrounds and other outdoor amenities effective immediately. Later that evening, Premier Doug Ford also ordered the shutdown of all outdoor recreation amenities in the province as part of its response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Both the provincial and municipal orders result in the closures of all communal or shared, public or private, outdoor recreational amenities everywhere in Ontario, including but not limited to playgrounds, sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, off-leash dog parks, beaches, skateboard and BMX parks, picnic areas, outdoor community gardens, park shelters, outdoor exercise equipment, condo parks and gardens, and other outdoor recreational amenities. Green spaces in parks, trails, ravines and conservation areas that aren't otherwise closed would remain open for walkthrough access, but individuals must maintain the safe physical distance of at least six feet/two metres apart from others.
The City of Brantford recognizes how important parks are to residents, but playgrounds and other outdoor amenity spaces such as skateparks are gathering places, and the more that people gather, the more that COVID-19 will spread in our community, putting lives at risk.
“I know that the measures the City must implement and enforce at this time are disruptive, however, our decisions are based on our top priority, which is to protect public health on the strong recommendation of our federal, provincial and local Medical Officers of Health”, said Mayor Kevin Davis. “I implore all citizens to comply with these orders that are in place to protect them and others in our community.”
To enforce both the provincial and local orders that have been implemented to protect public health, today, the City announced a new reporting process by which members of the public can report Covid-19 violations to the City for investigation.
To report a violation of a provincial or municipal order implemented to reduce the spread of COVID-19, citizens can email the City at or call the City’s Customer Contact Center at 519-759-4150. The preferred first touch point is to email the City of Brantford at
During response to the Covid-19 crisis, the Brant County Health Unit (BCHU) is also conducting complaint based inspections of businesses still open to provide essential services.
BCHU is responsible for enforcing Ontario Ministry directives, such as the closure of restaurants, bars, personal service settings and enforcing protocols including physical distancing in open establishments like grocery stores.
To report a violation or a business that is operating and not defined as an essential service, citizens can call BCHU at 519-753-4937 and press the #1.
✅ Use of City-owned amenities (including playground structures, skateparks, etc)
✅ Gatherings of five or more in a public space
✅ Non-essential businesses that are providing in-person services to the public
❌ Reports that people who have travelled abroad are not self-isolating
❌ Non-compliance with mandated quarantine orders
❌ Construction sites or related works
❌ Non-compliance with social distancing guideline of being 6ft apart from another person on public or private property
Please note that the proclamation of the Quarantine Act by the Federal Government empowers Peace Officers, including Police Officers in certain jurisdictions, to enforce particular provisions of the Act at the request of a screening or quarantine officer, particularly where a traveller is refusing to comply with the Act. The consequences include fines up to $1 million and/or up to three years in jail.
Police leadership across the province of Ontario continue to engage in dialogue with both the Federal and Provincial governments about any new direction to Police and By-law Officers with respect to enforcement during the COVID-19 crisis.
Those who congregate in parks or use closed amenities can be fined up to a maximum of $1,000. While it is the City’s fervent hope that people will voluntarily adhere to the measures in place, the enforcement of these orders is necessary to educate those who to this point are not taking the orders seriously enough. The spread of COVID-19 can only be stopped by our actions to stay apart as much as possible.
✅ Cycling or walk-though use of City-owned trails while practicing social distancing of 6 ft or 2 metres from others.
✅ Walk-through use of City-owned park green spaces, including muncipal golf courses, but excluding amenities such as playgrounds. Physical distancing of 6 ft or 2 metres from others is required in all public places.
The public is reminded to STAY HOME if they are not providing essential services to protect themselves and others and to only use 9-1-1 for emergencies. DO NOT call 9-1-1 to report non-compliance with social distancing. This uses precious resources that are required for urgent response to emergencies.
The City is grateful to the public for respecting and cooperating with the measures implemented to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in Brantford and the surrounding area.
For more information, please visit and follow the City on social media @CityofBrantford on Facebook and Twitter.
Media Contact
Maria Visocchi - Director, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | 519.751.9900 ext. 5754 |
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