Mayor Davis orders temporary closure of City owned outdoor amenities

BRANTFORD, ON: As part of the City of Brantford’s ongoing response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and current provincial directives mandating no social gatherings of 5 people or more, today, Mayor Kevin Davis, as Head of Council, signed an Order under section 4(1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. The Order strictly prohibits the use of amenenties such as playground equipment, picnic tables, benches, shelters, exercise equipment, pads, and courts, located in any municipal park or on property owned or operated by The Corporation of the City of Brantford. This Order also effectively closes all municipally-owned or operated golf courses and sports fields for play. Walking or jogging at any sports fields, while maintaining the provincially-mandated social distancing, is permitted, subject to applicable by-laws and rules with respect to those fields.
This temporary closure is effective immediately.
“The City is taking this extraordinary step on the recommendation of The City’s Emergency Operations Centre to further protect our residents”, said Mayor Davis. “As this pandemic continues to be a rapidly evolving situation, we appreciate the public’s cooperation in respecting and adhering to all of the restrictions that have been put in place to protect residents of Brantford.”
“Schools, restaurants, faith-based institutions, community centres, libraries and arenas remain closed to help reduce the risk of community transmission,” said Mayor Davis. “Today’s order to prohibit use of non-sanitized outdoor amenities is the appropriate next step to further reduce the risk of community spread of COVID-19 and protect public health,” he added.
Brantford residents returning from travel abroad
With residents still returning to the community from March Break or other travel outside of Canada, travellers/snowbirds are reminded that they MUST self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days upon their return to Brantford, meaning, that they cannot be in a public place (such as parks, grocery stores, etc.) for 14 days.
Social Distancing
In order to decrease transmission of COVID-19, all residents are reminded to practice social distancing. This involves taking steps to minimize close contact with others, including:
- Avoiding crowded places and non-essential gatherings of 5 or more people
- Avoiding common greetings, such as handshakes
- Limiting contact with people at higher risk (e.g. older adults and those in poor health)
- Keeping a distance of at least two arms lengths (approximately two metres or six feet) from others
- Washing hands and often touched spaces frequently
Please be mindful of the members of our community who are more vulnerable to COVID-19. Social distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness.
Additional Information
In order to maintain access to essential services, there is potential for additional service modifications as the situation evolves. The City will communicate any additional service modifications in order to best address the needs of the Brantford community.
For additional updates regarding City programs and services, and the continuity of essential services visit the City’s Facebook and Twitter pages and
Media Contact
Maria Visocchi - Director, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | 519.751.9900 ext. 5754 |
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