What Makes our Community Work 2019

BRANTFORD, ON – On Wednesday, April 24, the City of Brantford, in partnership with the Grand Erie District School Board and Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board, will host What Makes our Community Work. Now in its 14th, year, this event provides an important opportunity for students to learn about the different occupations and skill sets it takes to make a community work every day.
“What Makes our Community Work provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn about the different types of jobs there are in Brantford and discover first-hand how the City delivers vital programs and services each day,” says Maria Visocchi, Director, Corporate Communications and Community Engagement, City of Brantford.
Nearly 700 students in grade 7 and 8 will spend the day touring facilities, which are not always open to the public, to learn functions of the facility or academic institutions from on-site staff. Students are encouraged to explore different pathways for career opportunities and will be interested to learn how staff at each location ended up working in their current roles.
Each group of students will visit three of the following locations: Brantford-Brant Business Resource Centre, Brantford Fire Department, Brantford Police Department, Brantford Transit, City Hall Council Chambers and City Clerk’s Department, City of Brantford Human Resources, City of Brantford Social Services, City of Brantford Parks & Recreation Greenhouses, City of Brantford Public Works and Engineering Services, Conestoga College, John Noble Home, Laurier Brantford, Mohawk Street Landfill Site, Six Nations Polytechnic, Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre, and Woodman Community Centre.
Tour Schedule
Orientation/Greetings: 9:30 a.m. at the Brantford District Civic Centre
First Tour: 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Lunch Break: 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Second Tour: 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Third Tour: 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
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Media Contact:
Heather Carvalho, Communications Specialist, Communications and Community Engagement | City of Brantford | Office: 519.759.4150 Ext. 5741 | hcarvalho@brantford.ca