Gilkison Flats Reconstruction Project to be completed in August

Brantford’s beloved trail system enhances the quality of life for many of our residents and visitors who enjoy trails regularly for walking, running, hiking or cycling. Our trails also connect us to other nearby cities including Port Dover, Hamilton, Paris, and beyond.
With warmer weather upon us, the City is pleased to provide a status update regarding the Gilkison Flats Trail Reconstruction Project.
The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) has completed all tree removal and brush clean up throughout the Gilkison Flats reach in order to limit obstructions to river flows and ice in winter.
The reconstruction project tender drawings and specifications are complete and have been submitted for tender. Weather permitting, reconstruction is expected to take approximately 3-4 weeks during July and early August.
The scope of work will involve repaving the main, shared use trail through Gilkison Flats just beyond the Veterans Memorial Parkway (VMP) bridge, stretching south 2 km along the existing granular trail to the west trail access along Gilkison Street closest to Mt Pleasant Street. The alignment will follow the existing trail with a few minor changes, including the addition of a 100 m granular access launch /landing spot for canoes. This will provide a more defined approach to the river for launching and landing and will assist in more safely relocating the current launch point away from the area immediately under the VMP bridge.
Other changes include, realigning a short 70 m section of the trail away from the immediate top of bank to help prevent future damage and trail reconstruction due to potential future flooding, as well as, decommissioning and restoring a 190 section of trail south of the VMP bridge to a natural condition.
Trail works generally include:
- Build-up and compaction of the granular base material of the existing trail to achieve positive drainage and to minimize longitudinal slopes for improved accessibility
- Addition of asphalt surface
- Re-grading of path edges and restoration
- New access gates and trail amenities including new signage and seating/benches
The trail plan also identifies future anticipated trail works including paving an additional
section of the main trail to the central access point along Gilkison as well as several other trail realignments as may be required due to potential future flood events and erosion.
The reconstruction of Gilkison Flats is expected to be completed by no later than August 31, 2020.