Plans to Reopen Brantford Farmers' Market Underway

With the recent guidelines provided by the Province on how to reopen safely, Brantford Farmers’ Market staff and vendors have been working on a plan to reopen the Market with the appropriate distancing measures required by Public Health Canada that must also meet the approval of local public health officials at the Brant County Health Unit. This plan is expected to be finalized and approved in the near future and communication regarding the confirmed opening date will be shared publicly before the Market reopening.
As Brantford's response to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic continues, the City's top priority remains the health and safety of our citizens and staff. The Market was closed at the onset of the pandemic in March when social distancing measures to protect public safety were required that the Market could not immediately meet.
We take the safety and wellbeing of Market visitors, vendors and staff very seriously and thank all of our partners for their patience and understanding as we work towards reopening.
For additional updates regarding City programs and services, and the continuity of essential services visit the City’s Facebook and Twitter pages and