Notice of Study Commencement Northwest Municipal Services Expansion Environmental Assessments

Posted on April 13, 2023

The Study

The City of Brantford (the City) has long-term growth plans which identified critical municipal infrastructure required to service the City’s Northwest Expansion lands, as outlined in the Master Servicing Plan (MSP), and the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). This critical infrastructure corridor will connect the City’s existing water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation infrastructure to the City’s Northwest Expansion Lands, north of Highway 403.

The City has initiated Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Studies to identify and consider alternative solutions to expand the municipal services to the study area. The studies include the following individual projects. Due to the overlapping nature and geographic proximity of the six (6) projects and their combined need to satisfy an optimized servicing strategy, the projects are being completed simultaneously.

Study Area

Study area map 

 The Process

The studies are being planned following Schedule B or C processes in accordance with the MCEA process (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2023). It is expected that these studies will take approximately two years to complete.

  • Oak Park Road Trunk Watermain - Schedule B
  • Powerline Road Trunk Watermain - Schedule B
  • Oak Park Road Trunk Sewer - Schedule B
  • Stormwater Management in Grand River Northwest Catchment - Schedule B
  • Oak Park Road Widening - Schedule C
  • Powerline Road Widening - Schedule C

Subject to the identification of the preferred solutions and designs to expand the municipal service systems, and the receipt of necessary approvals, the City intends to proceed with these projects upon conclusion of the MCEA studies.

Public Involvement

Consultation with the public, Indigenous Peoples, agencies and stakeholder groups is a key element of the Study. There will be two Public Information Centre (PIC) meetings planned through the course of this Study. Any interested people, communities or agencies are encouraged to bring comments or concerns to the attention of the project team. For more information, or to provide comments, please visit or contact: 

Guangli Zhang, P. Eng.
Senior Project Manager
City of Brantford
58 Dalhousie Street, P.O. Box 818
Brantford, Ontario, N3T 5R7
519-759-4150 Ext. 5705
Julien Bell, P.Eng.
Consulting Team Project Manager
GM BluePlan Engineering Limited
1266 South Service Rd, Unit C3-1
Stoney Creek, Ontario, L8E 5R9
Phone: 905-643-6688 Ext. 4264

Information collected for the study will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Except for personal information, including your name, address and property location, all comments received throughout the study will become part of the public record and included in project documentation.

This notice first issued April 13, 2023