Housing Starts boost Brantford’s construction value in September

BRANTFORD, ON – The City released its September 2020 Report on Construction Activity demonstrating a construction value of $41.301 million for 93 permits issued, which is almost double the 5-year average for this time period. This increase in construction value can be attributed to the strong number of housing starts as well as the issuance of permits for four Multiple Residential buildings.
The largest increase occurred in the Single Detached Residential (New) sector of construction. Twenty building permits were issued for projects last month with a total construction value of $6.488 million. An increase also occurred in the Duplex, Triplex and Fourplex (New) sector of construction, which saw a total construction value of $1.511 million for September.
The City’s year-to-date construction value of $206.541 million is approximately 22 per cent above last year’s total of $168.836 million for the same time period.
Quick Facts
- The year-to-date total construction value for 2020 is $206.541 million for 872 permits issued, compared to 2019 when the construction value was $168.836 million for 945 permits issued for the same time period.
- A total of 93 building permits were issued in September, having a total construction value of $41.301 million.
- Four building permits were issued within the Multiple Residential sector, which had a total construction value of $28.500 million.
- A total of 20 building permits were issued within the Single Detached Dwellings sector having a total construction value of $6.488 million.
“This year continues to be exceptional for Brantford’s construction industry and I have no doubt it will result in the highest yearly construction values the City has ever attained.”
Andy McMahon, Chief Building Official, Director of Building Services,
City of Brantford
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Media Contact:
Heather Carvalho | Communications Specialist, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | 519.759.4150 ext. 5741 | hcarvalho@brantford.ca