Healthy Brantford Task Force Supports Smoke Free Municipal Properties 

BRANTFORD, ON – Tonight, the Committee of the Whole-Operations and Administration will consider a recommendation from The Healthy Brantford Task Force calling for a review of Brantford’s smoking by-law to include smoke free municipally owned properties. The current by-law was last revised in 2002, and restricts smoking within 20 metres of playgrounds and sporting areas and 15 metres of buildings.
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act sets out rules for the sale, supply, use, display and promotion of tobacco products. This legislation prohibits smoking, holding lighted tobacco or electronic cigarette use in any enclosed workplace, enclosed public places and specifically designated outdoor places in Ontario. Municipalities have the authority to extend protection beyond provincial legislation to other settings including, but not limited to, parks, benches, transit shelters, outdoor events, buffer zones around buildings and trails.

Municipal by-laws that prohibit smoking in public areas have proven effective in reducing health impacts related to second-hand smoke, and can contribute to reduced smoking rates in communities. The Task Force endorses this policy based on strong evidence that these measures are effective in keeping public spaces smoke-free, and serves to encourage individuals to quit smoking. Restricting smoking in public places can also promote positive role-modeling for children, reduce the amount of litter associated with smoking, protect animals and toddlers from ingesting discarded smoking materials, and address risk of fire from discarded smoking materials.

Enforcement of the smoking by-law is the responsibility of the Brant County Health Unit and Brantford Police Services, and is not currently performed by City of Brantford by-law enforcement. The Healthy Brantford Task Force recommends a review of the smoking by-law to not only include smoke free municipally owned properties, but to also assess the enforcement mechanisms to ensure they reflect current standards.

The Healthy Brantford Task Force was created to provide a venue for community leaders from across the health, social services, and education sector to identify gaps, coordinate resources and support policy decisions with the goal of improving health outcomes in Brantford.

“We want to create an enhanced culture of health and wellness in Brantford. These initiatives can reduce the amount of second-hand smoke in public places, and can lead to people making the choice to quit smoking altogether. I think it is a logical next step for Council to seriously consider this recommendation and I look forward to seeing the report.” - Councillor Richard Carpenter, Healthy Brantford Task Force

“One of our goals is to provide residents with public spaces including parks, recreational facilities and sports centres that reinforce a healthy lifestyle. Revisiting the smoking by-law is an example of how we strive to better serve our community by creating a healthier, more welcoming environment for everyone.” – Sandy Jackson, General Manager, Community Programs, Parks & Recreation

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Media Contact:

Heather Carvalho, Communications Specialist, Communications and Community Engagement | City of Brantford | Office: 519.759.4150 Ext. 5741 |