Filming Notice – October 28 - November 28, 2020

The City of Brantford Economic Development and Tourism Department is pleased to welcome the cast and crew from Phoenix to film scenes for an upcoming episode. The production will be filming exterior and interior scenes in the vicinity of Colborne St. and Dalhousie St., as well as King St. and Queen St.
The film crew will be on site to prepare from October 28 to November 18 in addition to November 21, 22, 24, and 25. The production will be filming on November 19-20, 23, and 26-27 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The wrap-up days for filming are November 28 and 29. The crew’s base camp will be located in the Earl Haig Family Fun Park parking lot from November 16-28. Additional parking has been reserved at the lot located on Dalhousie St. at King St. from November 2-28. The Brantford and District Civic Centre may also be used for overflow parking.
In this shoot, Downtown Brantford will transform to look like Chicago after a bomb has exploded. The windows of the new City Hall (58-70 Dalhousie St.), which is currently under construction, will be dressed to look like a department store and the bronze lions will be slightly marked with washable graffiti, and restored by the production upon completion of filming. In addition, there may be some smoke, controlled fire, and simulated gun shots/explosion noises to create the bombing effect. Mock weapons, military vehicles, and police officers may also be used. The production is responsible for cleaning the streets and returning the area to pre-filming conditions.
A filming notice will be distributed to residents and businesses in the vicinity by November 2. Front-facing buildings on Colborne and Queen, as well as affected businesses and others in the vicinity of the closures are being offered compensation by the production.
City of Brantford Film Liaisons asked the production to contribute to the Film Legacy Project, which allows filmmakers to leave a positive impact in the community long after they leave. Phoenix has agreed to generously support the Downtown Brantford BIA, Brantford Food Bank, and Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts.
The production has implemented several enhanced safety measures to keep cast, crew, and our community safe. Cast and crew members are required to perform daily self-screenings at home, by using an online self-assessment, prior to coming to work. There is a check-in process every morning, complete with screenings, upon arrival to the site. The production has indicated a rigorous testing policy, which includes testing the whole crew twice a week at minimum. Cast members who are not from Ontario are required to isolate for 14 days upon their arrival to the province and are tested before they begin filming. Coloured bracelets worn on set are indicative of members who have passed the screening test. All of these precautions contribute towards safe and healthy work sites in Brantford and align with the Reopening of Ontario Act, 2020
Film is exempt from provincial gathering size restrictions and is treated as a work site. Bystanders will not be allowed to congregate at filming sites as it disrupts the flow of the productions and jeopardizes the safety of cast and crew who are working hard to mitigate the risks of the virus.
Anticipated Impacts
- Half-lot occupancy reserved in parking lot located at King St. and Dalhousie St. from November 2-16
- Full-closure of alleyway located between King St. and Queen St., Colborne St. to Dalhousie St. from November 2-28
- Parking lane closures on Queen St. between Colborne St. and Dalhousie St. (Nov 2-20), Queen St. between Dalhousie St. and Darling St. (Nov 2-20), King St between Dalhousie St. and Colborne St. (Nov 2-Nov 28), and Colborne St. between King St. and Harmony Square (Nov 2-16, Nov 21-28)
- Full street closure of Colborne St. between Icomm Dr. and Clarence St. from November 17-21
- Weekday reserved parking for 2-3 stalls along north and south sides on Dalhousie St. from November 21-28
- Closure of southbound lane on Queen St. from Colborne St. to Dalhousie St. from November 17-November 21
- Closure of southbound lane on King St. from Dalhousie St. to Colborne St. from November 17-November 21
- Closure of Queen St. from Colborne St. to Dalhousie St. and from Dalhousie St. to Darling St. from November 21-November 28
- Intermittent traffic stoppages on November 23 and from November 26-27 along Colborne St. and King St., Queen St. and Dalhousie St., and occasionally moving to Dalhousie St east of Queen, Queen St. and Darling St., and Queen St. and Wellington St.
- Some special effects including smoke, flame bar fire and possibly simulated gunfire will be used throughout filming on Colborne St. between King St. and Queen St. on November 19 and 20
- Some special effects including air cannons, smoke machines, flame bar fire, possibly simulated gunfire and simulated explosion using air cannon and dust/debris (no explosives) will be used throughout filming on Queen St. between Colborne St. and Darling St. on November 23, 26 and 27
- No excessive noise is planned between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
The production base camp will occupy the full parking lot at the Earl Haig Family Fun Park from 7:00 a.m. on November 16 through to 11:00 p.m. on November 28, 2020. Extra stalls will be reserved in the southwest corner of the Civic Centre parking lot for crew on November 19, 20, 23, 26, and 27. An additional half-lot will be occupied at the parking lot located at King St. and Dalhousie St. from November 2-16. This same lot will be fully occupied from November 17-28, 2020.
For questions or concerns, please contact Economic Development and Tourism staff at or 519-751-9900.