Federal Budget 2019: Turning point for cities like Brantford

BRANTFORD, ON – As the City’s representative on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board (FCM), Councillor Cheryl Antoski was recently joined by municipal leaders from across the country in Penticton, B.C., to discuss the goals and objectives of Canada’s local governments at the FCM spring Board Meeting.
As the governments closest to people’s daily challenges, local governments work hard to build better lives for people in their communities. And with 2019 being a pivotal year, members discussed how to ensure municipal challenges are front and center during the upcoming fall federal election.
“Canadians expect all of their governments to work together to get more done,” said FCM President Vicki-May Hamm. “The FCM Board of Directors is a critical part of ensuring municipal realities—whether it’s fiscal strain, challenges facing local industries, or success stories—are recognized at the federal level.”
A significant part of the FCM message to the federal government is the recommendation to modernize our partnership and bring all orders of government together at one table. It’s just common sense that local governments work closely with the federal government in order to address challenges on the ground in our communities.
“From growth and productivity to climate change, we know we have a major role to play in implementing local solutions to help tackle national challenges which is why I am encouraged to see how this year’s federal budget will deliver major results for Brantford directly”, said Councillor Antoski.
The increase to the Gas Tax Fund means local governments can deliver thousands of infrastructure projects better roads, bridges, transit, recreation centres and more. And the investments in energy efficient housing through FCM will make life more affordable for Canadians across the country.
“This federal budget doubles down on working directly with local governments to make life for people in Brantford more secure and affordable,” said Antoski. “It’s a turning point that sets us on a path toward a more modernized federal-municipal relationship—one that empowers our communities to get even more done for our citizens.”
FCM is the national voice of municipal government in Canada. Its Board of Directors represents communities of all sizes from coast to coast to coast. Councillor Antoski is serving her first term on FCM in addition to leadership roles that include Chair of Task Force to Investigate A Mid-Size Performance Space, Chair of Equal Ground Community Gardens (Brantford wide community gardens). She is also the Council representative on several committees and task forces including the Environmental Policy Advisory Committee (EPAC), Brantford Cultural Advisory Committee, Human Resources Committee, Social Services Committee, Brant Food System Coalition, First Nations Liaison Committee, and the Tri-Council Working group.
Media Contact:
Maria Visocchi
Director, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford
T. 519.759.4150 Ext. 5754