EOC Advisory Committee underlines importance of provincial stay at home order

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Last week, the Ontario government declared a second provincial emergency under section 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA).  A stay at home order came into effect Thursday, January 14, 2021, as well as enhanced authorities for enforcement personnel.

The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Advisory Committee, made up of organizations within The City of Brantford, The County of Brant and Six Nations of the Grand River, fully supports the necessity of the Province’s stay at home order to slow community spread of COVID-19 and to protect our local healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed.

Throughout the spring and summer, collectively we managed to keep COVID-19 cases relatively low in our region, however, the second wave of the virus has been significantly more challenging to control. We want to underscore that residents and businesses play a vital role in slowing the spread of virus transmission and we thank those who continue to comply with public health guidelines to keep themselves and their community safe.

The Advisory Committee understands that residents may be weary of the rules in place. Ten months into this crisis, we recognize that COVID-19 fatigue is an issue for many. However, the number of cases locally and provincially are very concerning and it is more important now than ever to stay home as much as you can to stay safe and save lives. Based on the current modelling data, both our local and provincial healthcare system is at risk of becoming overwhelmed and a provincial approach to address the increases in transmission is the best strategy to control the impacts of the second wave of the virus. 

Report a COVID-19 Violation in the City of Brantford

To report a violation of a provincial order implemented to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in Brantford, citizens can visit brantford.ca/Covid-19violations and use the online reporting form or call the City’s Customer Contact Centre at 519-759-4150. Please note that the Brant County Health Unit (BCHU) is responsible for enforcing Ontario Ministry of Health directives, such as non-compliance related to self-isolation or quarantine. To report a Covid-19 violation to the BCHU, please call 519-753-4937 and press ‘1’.

Brantford Police Services

Brantford Police asks residents to comply with current orders in place to protect the well-being of everyone in our communities. With respect to the new EMCPA order, individuals who do not comply can be issued a ticket for a set fine amount established by the Chief Justice or be served with a summons. While most individuals are making efforts to comply, enforcement will be aimed at those individuals who overtly and/or repeatedly put others in danger in our community. The public is also reminded that 9-1-1 is to be used for emergency situations only.

Report a COVID-19 violation in the County of Brant

To ask a question or lodge a complaint regarding COVID-19 restrictions, please contact the Joint Enforcement Team, which includes collaboration from County of Brant By-law, OPP and the Brant County Health Unit. To report a violation of a provincial order in the County of Brant, please email COVID-19@brant.ca or call the COVID-19 dedicated phone line at 519-761-8391.  For issues that occur on weekends, after hours and on statutory/public holidays that require immediate response, please contact the County of Brant 519-442-2241 (after hours number) or the OPP at *OPP or 1-888-310-1122.

About the EOC 

The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Advisory Committee is made up of the organizations outlined below, working together to prevent and control community spread of Coronavirus COVID-19 in our region.


Media Contact

Maria Visocchi – Emergency Information Officer
519.751.9900 ext. 5754 |  mvisocchi@brantford.ca


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