Council approves Zero Waste Strategy: City of Brantford’s Vision for Solid Waste

BRANTFORD, ON – At their meeting held yesterday, January 25, 2022, Brantford City Council approved the Zero Waste Brantford: City of Brantford’s Vision for Solid Waste. This provides a vision to guide efforts to increase diversion from the landfill and promote more sustainable practices.
This high level vision presents a goal for waste diversion in the community that identifies potential short, medium, and long-term actions to reduce residential waste. Currently, the City of Brantford diverts 34 per cent of waste from the Mohawk Street Landfill through recycling and other means. The vision is to develop a waste management system where at least 70 per cent of residential waste is diverted from the landfill by 2050 through waste avoidance, reuse, composting and recycling.
The Mohawk Street Landfill Site is an irreplaceable asset in the community, and its preservation is a goal of the outlined waste diversion efforts. As waste continues to be sent to the landfill, the lifespan of the site diminishes and diverting waste will help to extend the lifespan.
The vision highlights actions, identifies remaining gaps, and presents the next steps to creating a comprehensive strategy to develop a strong pathway to diversion rates of 70 per cent and beyond, ultimately achieving zero waste in Brantford.
Increasing waste diversion was identified as a Council Priority for 2021-2022, specifically mitigating the City’s environmental footprint and adapting to climate change. The goals presented in this vision set out a framework for how diversion can be achieved through the implementation of a green bin program..
Over the next few years, the City will be working towards implementing the goals identified in the vision. A thorough study will be conducted to prepare a final strategic plan that outlines specific goals and targets and highlights actions that can be taken to increase waste diversion. This will include an opportunity for public consultation and community engagement.
The approved vision will guide and support future decisions relating to the solid waste program, help to identify specific actions, policies, programs, and possible partnerships with neighbouring communities and businesses in order to achieve similar waste reduction goals and to elevate the City’s overall residential waste diversion rate.
“I am pleased to see this Vision for Solid Waste be endorsed by Council. Having this vision in place will ensure that the City continues to move forward with the diversion plan that focuses on the importance of diverting waste and developing a clear picture of a community that has a more sustainable future.” - Inderjit Hans, General Manager, Public Works Commission
“We are excited that Council has approved the Vision for Solid Waste and we are eager to get started on achieving the targets to divert waste away from the Mohawk Street Landfill. There is much work ahead of us as we work towards these goals, but it is the right thing to do.” – Selvi Kongara, Director of Environmental Services
Media Contact:
Stephanie Quattrociocchi, Communications Specialist, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | Office: 519-759-4150 ext. 5533 |
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