City unveils enhancements to security services

BRANTFORD, ON: In 2021 Brantford City Council approved a staff recommendation to extend the Security Pilot Project for the expansion of security guard services until January 31, 2022, in the City’s downtown core and other City assets including our housing developments.
Since the program launched in January 2021, the Corporate Security Guard (CSG) team has adapted services to respond to ongoing incident trends, address specific City properties and areas, and develop post orders to support the effective ongoing delivery of security guard services.
Today the City shared the latest robotic addition to the security team – a Gridless Sentry Verkada Security Camera Trailer operated by solar energy. Deployed initially at the Brantford Airport (pictured here) the Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Driven cloud connected device features up to 6 cameras that can run on a reliable battery for up to 2 weeks of runtime with no sun. It is also very mobile and will be deployed to various City owned locations throughout the city.
Self powered and simple to use at multiple locations with no infrastructure, power lines or wires required, the equipment can also be used to monitor job progress on the City’s various construction sites.
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