City to release voting statistics by precinct in coming days

BRANTFORD, ON: On October 25th, 2022 the City of Brantford’s City Clerk and Returning Officer declared the official results of the City of Brantford’s October 24, 2022 municipal election. The official declaration is available at Results are broken down by office of mayor, ward and school trustee and indicate the total number of votes each candidate received. The City can confirm that all voting tabulation processes in place were stringently followed to ensure that all votes cast were accurately counted.
Consistent with the City’s regular practice, detailed statistics broken down by Advance Polls, Election Day and Online Voting by precinct for each candidate will also be posted to the City’s Election website in the coming days.
Recount Process
In the City of Branford, the Municipal Elections Act governs the recount process. Under the Municipal Elections Act, a recount can be called by the City Clerk if the candidates receive the same number of votes. Thus, other than a tie vote, there is no specific threshold of votes that triggers an automatic recount.
The only other ways the City Clerk can be directed to conduct a recount are:
- City Council can pass a resolution calling for a recount within 30 days of the Clerk certifying the election results. A recount must be held within 15 days of a resolution being passed.
- The Minister of Municipal Affairs can order a recount.
- A person who is entitled to vote in an election and has reasonable grounds for believing the election results to be in doubt may apply to the Superior Court of Justice for an order that the Clerk hold a recount.
Section 58 of the Municipal Elections Act regulates the requirements for an application to order a recount and details that a person who is entitled to vote in an election and has reasonable grounds for believing the election results to be in doubt may apply to the Superior Court of Justice for an order that the City Clerk hold a recount. The application must be commenced within 30 days after the Clerk’s declaration of the results of the election. If satisfied that there are sufficient grounds for it, the court may make an order requiring the Clerk to hold a recount of the votes cast for all or specified candidates.
Voters List
The City of Brantford has no jurisdiction over compiling the municipal election Voters List. The 2022 municipal election Voters List was compiled by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) using a variety of property data information and enumeration completions received from the MPAC campaign. The City of Brantford was provided the MPAC Voters List on August 22, 2022 and the voters letters were produced based on this list and distributed in early September. The City implemented an extensive education and awareness campaign that ran for eight weeks leading up to Election Day, advising constituents to contact the City by phone, email or in person if they did not receive a voter letter.
It is the City’s understanding that MPAC will no longer be compiling the Voters List for future municipal elections, as the Province has initiated a transition process whereby the responsibility for the Voters List will reside with the Ontario Chief Electoral Officer for future municipal elections. The Chief Electoral Officer leads Elections Ontario, and is a non-partisan Officer of the provincial Legislative Assembly chosen by an all-party committee. The City is hopeful that implementing a new process will help improve the quality of voters lists in Brantford and across the province.
An additional public notice will be shared once the detailed analysis broken down by Advance Polls, Election Day and Online Voting by precinct in Brantford is completed.
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