City to provide free transit to COVID-19 vaccination clinics in Brantford

BRANTFORD, ON: The City is pleased to announce that beginning Monday March 29, 2021, Brantford Transit and Brantford Lift will offer free transit service to residents who are travelling to a vaccination clinic in the city for the purpose of receiving COVID-19 immunization.
In the city of Brantford, vaccinations are currently being conducted by the Brant County Health Unit at 1 Market Square and 355 Henry Street. Free transit service will be extended to any potential future vaccination locations as roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine continues in our community over the next several months.
All transit riders are asked to comply with the City’s COVID-19 protocols and to show their appointment confirmation to board the bus for free and confirmation that they have received the vaccination for the return trip. Face coverings remain mandatory for riders on Brantford Transit and Brantford Lift and physical distancing of two metres (six feet) should be maintained wherever possible. Information about City bus schedules is available at or by calling 519-753-3847 ext 5932.
Currently, the Brant County Health Unit is administering COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics for adults 72 years-of-age and older (born in 1949 or earlier) who reside in Brantford. Vaccination clinics are by appointment only. No walk-ins will be accepted at clinic locations in Brantford. For more information about booking a vaccination appointment please visit
Parking Enforcement Fees
Parking fees at Market Centre Parkade will continue to be waived during the month of April, and reinstated beginning May 1, 2021.
Beginning May 1, 2021, free parking at the Market Centre Parkade will be provided to residents attending 1 Market Square for the purpose of obtaining a COVID-19 vaccine. Residents are asked to show their appointment confirmation at the Parking Kiosk upon entering the parkade and to show confirmation of receipt of the vaccination to exit the Market Centre Parkade free of charge.
Throughout the pandemic, the City has exercised a high level of discretion with respect to parking by-laws. A review of the temporary suspension of the Re-Park/No Re-Park and the Twenty-Four (24) Consecutive Hour Parking by-laws will be reviewed again at the end of May, 2021.
All other on-street parking by-laws including parking restrictions in the downtown core remain in effect.
For more information about City programs and services, residents are encouraged to contact the City’s Customer Contact Centre at 519-759-4150 or
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