City offers FREE seniors workshops to celebrate Financial Literacy Month
![Senior couple sitting at a computer](/en/resources/images/MediaReleases/MR-Financial-Literacy.jpg)
BRANTFORD, ON – This November marks the 10th anniversary of Financial Literacy Month and the City of Brantford is celebrating by offering free finance workshops. The City has partnered with local organizations to provide opportunities for older adults to strengthen their financial literacy, learn more about financial planning options, managing debt and navigating wills and power of attorney.
“Providing seniors with educational opportunities to develop their skills and support their independence is an important component of the City’s Healthy Aging Plan and the Community Strategy to Prevent and Address Elder Abuse,” says City of Brantford Councillor Richard Carpenter, Chair of the Elder Abuse Awareness Committee. “By strengthening their financial literacy skills, older adults can become more empowered to manage their own finances and less susceptible to being taken advantage of financially.”
The free financial literacy workshops offer older adults the opportunity to better understand their financial options and develop strategies to meet their financial goals.
Financial Literacy Workshops
- Money Management and Budgeting with Credit Canada
Thursday, November 12 at 10 a.m.
Credit Canada will take participants through a look at some basic ideas in personal budgeting, focusing on what has been known to go wrong and what can be done about it.
- Credit and Debt with Credit Canada
Thursday, November 12 at 11 a.m.
In this session, Credit Canada will be presenting on the topics of cost of credit, credit histories, credit scores, reports and ratings.
- Personal Finance Course with Brant Skills Centre
November 10 to December 15 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
This live, virtual 6 session program, participants will learn about: budgeting, banking, credit and debts, saving and investing, consumer knowledge and smart shopping.
- Shopping your Pantry Workshop with Brant Skills Centre
Tuesday, November 17 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Save time and money by learning how to shop and meal plan on a budget.
Space is limited and registration is required. To register for a Credit Canada workshop, contact Chris Henderson by email at or call 519-759-4150 ext. 6279 and leave a message. To register for a Brant Skills Centre workshops, please email or call 519-304-8224.
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Media Contact:
Heather Carvalho | Communications Specialist, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | 519.759.4150 ext. 5741 |