City of Brantford to reopen in ‘Orange – Restrict’ level February 16

BRANTFORD, ON: On Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the City of Brantford will transition from the provincewide shutdown order in effect since December 26, 2020 to the Orange-Restrict level of the updated COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open. This means enhanced measures, restrictions and enforcements will remain in place to avoid the need for additional closures. Below are some of the general public health measures that will be enforced related to gatherings, workplace requirements and face coverings:
- Private events and social gatherings: 10 people indoors, 25 people outdoors
- Organized supervised public events and gatherings: 50 people indoors, 100 people outdoors
- Religious services, weddings and funerals, 30 per cent capacity indoors, 100 people outdoors
- Requirement for workplace screening
- Requirement to provide contact information when visiting City community and recreational centres, and other public spaces such as restaurants and bars, personal care services (hair salons and spas) cinemas and performing arts centres
- Face coverings required in indoor workplaces and indoor public spaces
- Where patrons without face coverings are within two metres of workers, workers must use additional protections such as eye protection
- Physical distancing must be maintained
- Non-essential travel from areas of high-transmission to areas of low transmission should be avoided
- No more than four people at a table in a restaurant or rented space
A complete list of measures within the Orange-Restrict level is available on the website.
City Services
Brantford City Hall will reopen to walk-ins on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 4 pm. Making an appointment is recommended to avoid waiting in line. Appointments can be made by calling 519-759-4150 Monday to Friday from 9: a.m. to 4 p.m. Anyone entering a City facility will be required to answer health-screening questions and sign in for the purposes of contract tracing at the door prior to entering. Hand washing guidelines are to be followed and persons are to maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from others. All visitors will be required to wear a face covering at all times in City facilities. If you do not have a face covering, one will be provided.
Outdoor Neighbourhood Ice Rinks and Harmony Square
- A maximum of twenty-five (25) skater capacity on each ice rink unless otherwise posted.
- Hockey will be permitted at certain outdoor rink locations. Check the City’s website to determine which sites are open/closed (based on weather conditions) and which permit hockey as well as those are designated as pleasure skating only.
- Face coverings are strongly recommended.
- Harmony Square – Skaters are required to sign in using the City’s RecConnect online pre-registration process.
Residents are reminded to STAY OFF frozen stormwater ponds! Water levels and flows change rapidly making skating and other activities on these water bodies extremely dangerous. Run-off of road salts into these ponds also makes the ice thinner and weaker. Learn more at
Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre and Civic Centre
- Public access to pools and fitness programs at the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre (WGSC) will reopen Tuesday February 16, 2021. The City’s RecConnect online pre-registration process remains the same. All user-groups will be contacted regarding pre-booked rentals.
- The indoor walking track will reopen Wednesday February 17 with pre-registration required. Please go to RecConnect on the City’s website to pre-register.
- Winter swim lessons at WGSC that were set to begin in early January will now resume the week of February 22, 2021. WGSC staff will contact registrants with additional details.
- All Lifeguard and Leadership courses that were to take place prior to February 18, 2021 will be rescheduled or cancelled. Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre staff will be in contact with registrants with additional details. All courses that were to take place beginning February 19, 2021 will resume as scheduled. Additional classes will be added and posted on the City’s RecConnect site.
- Weight room and fitness class patrons will be limited to 10 participants at one time. Participants must wear face coverings in the weight room and fitness classes while moving from one area to another. Face coverings may be temporarily removed during physical activity however, we strongly recommend that they are worn during less-intensive activities such as lifting weights and stretching.
- Increased physical distancing measures of three (3) metres must be maintained between fitness participants in each fitness classes and while using the weight room at all times. Please note that where three (3) metres is not possible, we ask that patrons please avoid using equipment that is next to another patron until it becomes available for use.
- No spectators permitted (exemption for parent and guardian supervision of children limited to one parent/guardian per child under 18 years of age).
- A 90-minute time restriction is in place for all participants.
- Individuals who live in other jurisdictions who are already registered to play for a Brantford league/team are permitted to play at a Brantford arena. For example, a player who lives in Hamilton (currently in Red-Control) is permitted to play at City arenas if he/she is already on a Brantford team. However, entire teams from other jurisdictions are not permitted to play in City arenas (no matter what colour designation level they are travelling from).
- Upon the advice of the Brant County Health Unit Medical Officer of Health (MOH), no games are permitted with other teams/organizations outside Brantford (no matter what colour designation level the other team is travelling from) for at least two weeks after reopening on February 16, 2021. The City will consult with the MOH and announce updates regarding play with teams/organizations outside of the City’s jurisdiction before March 2, 2021.
- With limitations in place it is even more important that participants arrive for their pre-booked time slot. If you must cancel please we ask that you call us at 519-756-9900 or email us at to cancel at least 24 hours in advance.
- Participants for pool and fitness will be admitted into the building five minutes before the pre-registered start time while those using the arena will be admitted ten minutes before the rental time. All participants are asked to leave the areas as quickly as possible once their program or rental time is completed.
- Brantford and Area Sports Hall of Recognition remains closed at this time.
Doug Snooks Eagle Place Community Centre - February 22
The facility will be open for scheduled pickle ball activities. Users will be required to pre-register and come prepared, as no dressing rooms will be available at this time. Sign-in will be required 15 minutes prior to the activity start time. Physical distancing and face coverings measures in place as well as strict sanitization and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting practices.
Online City Services
Many services can be requested and addressed using one of our comprehensive online forms, meaning you can conveniently request a city service from the comfort of your home. Review the list of Popular City Services available online. Use the City’s online form to report an issue or request a non-urgent City service. For general enquiries, please email the Customer Contact Centre or call 519-759-4150.
Important Reminders
- Self-isolation of 14 days is MANDATORY if returning from travel abroad (meaning you cannot be in public for 14 days)
- Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
- Keep a safe physical distance of at least 6 feet or 2 metres from those around you who are not in your immediate household
- Avoid touching your face
- Do not hug or shake hands with others
- Do not gather in groups of more than 10 people that you do not live with in your primary residence
For additional updates regarding City of Brantford programs and services, and the continuity of essential services, please follow the City on Facebook and Twitter and visit
For more information regarding City programs and services please call the City’s Customer Contact Centre at 519-759-4150 or email us at
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