City of Brantford Service Updates

With the enhanced health and safety measures the City is currently taking to assist in reducing the spread of Covid-19, a number of services have been modified as follows:
Building, Development Engineering and Planning Department Services
Effective immediately, the City of Brantford Building Department, Planning Department and Development Engineering Division of Engineering Services Department will only accept in-person applications and permit pick-ups on Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Customer Services counter on the first floor of City Hall.
Alternatively, planning applications may be sent in by mail or courier. Building permit applications may also be sent in by mail or courier. Small projects with drawing sizes of 11”x17” or smaller can be emailed with applications to Information regarding the Site Alteration process, including applications, fee schedule and contacts can be found on the City website at or email at
As well, effective immediately, Brantford's Building Department will be suspending interior inspections of occupied residences. Permit holders requiring these types of inspections will be notified that inspections may be completed by photograph, video, FaceTime or through a Professional Engineer's report. The permit holder will also be advised that the inspector will contact them to discuss the specifics of what will be required for approval, as each project is unique.
Please note that these procedures may change at any time. Our thanks for your understanding and cooperation as we work to help protect the health and safety of our citizens and staff.
Parking Enforcement
Until further notice, proactive parking enforcement has been suspended for the following offences:
• On-Street Time Limit Offences such as 1, 2 and 3 Hour Parking
• School Zones with posted No Stopping/No Standing/No Parking Signage
Please note that vehicles are still required to abide by City of Brantford parking by-laws. Officers will continue to respond to by-law infractions that are reported to 519-753-2311 Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Brantford Transit Service
Brantford Transit is currently running full service and has added extra buses to routes experiencing a heavy volume of riders. This is to reduce the number of riders per bus in order to support social distancing and prevent the spread of Covid-19. The City asks that public transit only be used for essential trips. Health Canada advises staying home is the best course of action to stop the spread of the Covid-19. If you do require transit, residents are asked to use every other seat in order to maintain safe social distancing as a preventative measure against Covid-19.
For additional updates regarding City programs and services, and the continuity of essential services visit the City’s Facebook and Twitter pages and