City of Brantford resolutions endorsed by Ontario's Big City Mayors (OBCM)

Posted on February 28, 2022

At their meeting held Friday February 25, 2022 Ontario Big City Mayors (OBCM) passed motions moved by Brantford Mayor Kevin Davis, appealing to both provincial and federal governments to close the revolving door of justice.


“I’m very encouraged to see my OBCM colleagues endorse and support the City’s resolutions calling upon the federal and  provincial governments to address the revolving door of justice that continues to detrimentally impact communities across the province. Together, big City mayors are calling on the federal government to impose more demanding and stringent bail requirements, and for the provincial government, to allocate more resources to move criminal matters through the court system more expeditiously. Locally, we are also in dire need of more space and resources to address the current court caseload. Consequences imposed in a timely manner are absolutely crucial to deterring criminal behaviour, protecting law abiding citizens, and restoring residents faith in the criminal justice system.” 

-       Brantford Mayor Kevin Davis 


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Maria Visocchi, Director, Communications and Community Engagement
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