City of Brantford parks feature new bike racks and repair stands

BRANTFORD, ON – The City of Brantford has installed new bicycle racks at 19 parks throughout the city to encourage residents to choose cycling as their mode of transportation to playgrounds, sports fields and recreational sports leagues.
“We are very grateful to the financial support from the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Fund and the Government of Ontario who made the new bike racks and repair stations possible,” says Kathryn Broadbelt, Transportation Planning Project Coordinator, City of Brantford. “This is an exciting addition to our community that encourages environmentally-friendly forms of transportation.”
In addition to the bike racks, Jaycee Sports Park, Mohawk Park and the Rotary Bike Park also feature new bicycle repair stands that residents can use to pump their tires or fix their bike if needed while out for a ride. The repair stand at Rotary Bike Park was generously donated by Heron Head Bicycles.
The parks that are equipped with new bicycle racks are:
- Burnley Park
- Cameron Heights Park
- Charlie Ward Park
- Cockshutt Park
- Connaught Park
- Devon Down Park
- Grandwoodlands Park
- Iroquois Park
- Jaycee Sports Park, includes bicycle repair stand
- Lion’s Park
- Lynden Hills Park
- Mohawk Park, includes bicycle repair stand
- Orchard Park
- Pleasant Ridge Park
- Prince Charles Park
- Roswell Park
- Rotary Bike Park, includes bicycle repair stand
- Spring Gardens Park
- Wilkes Park
For more information on local travel using active methods, please visit
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Stephanie Quattrociocchi, Communications Specialist, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | Office: 519-759-4150 ext. 5533 |
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