City of Brantford Honours Fallen Soldiers with Street Naming and VMP Rededication Ceremony

Dedication ceremony group photo

Rudd Leary Street Signs

BRANTFORD, ON – In a heartfelt ceremony held on May 24, 2024, the City of Brantford paid tribute to two of our local heroes, Trooper Larry John Zuidema Rudd and Captain Richard Leary, who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in Afghanistan. The event was marked by the unveiling of new City street signs named in their honour, and the rededication of the Veterans Memorial Parkway (VMP).

In 2021 Brantford City Council had voted unanimously to honour these brave soldiers by naming intersecting streets “Rudd” and “Leary” in West Brant's Wyndfield West Phase 8B subdivision, currently under construction in the area of Shellard Lane and Conklin Road.

Captain Richard Leary, platoon commander of the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry regiment, based in Shilo, Manitoba, tragically died on June 3, 2008, from wounds suffered during small-arms fire in the Panjwaii district of Afghanistan. Trooper Larry John Zuidema Rudd was killed on May 24, 2010, when an improvised explosive device detonated during a security operation southwest of Kandahar City.

The families of Trooper Rudd and Captain Leary unveiled the street signs, that will forever symbolize our community's deep respect and gratitude for their bravery and sacrifice.

In conjunction with the street naming, the City also rededicated the Veterans Memorial Parkway (VMP), previously known as the Brantford Southern Access Road (BSAR). Renamed  the VMP in 2007, the parkway is a prominent reminder of all those who have served and continue to serve our nation in times of war and peace. 

During his remarks, Mayor Kevin Davis expressed the City's immense gratitude: " We gather here today with a profound sense of respect and gratitude to honour the supreme sacrifice of two of Brantford’s bravest sons, Trooper Larry John Zuidema Rudd and Captain Richard Leary. It is my sincere hope that as residents travel along these roads, they always remember the valour and selflessness of Trooper Rudd and Captain Leary."

The ceremony was attended by City officials, military representatives from various veterans’ associations, and community members, who gathered to pay their respects and show their support for the families of the fallen soldiers. The event highlighted the enduring respect this community has for those who serve our nation. We will remember them.


Media Contact:

Maria Visocchi | Director, Communications, Community Engagement and Customer Service
City of Brantford | 519-759-4150 ext. 5754 |


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