City joins Community Partners to Launch third annual "Let's Get Moving" campaign

BRANTFORD, ON – Last week October 1st marked the tenth anniversary of National Seniors Day in Canada and to celebrate we are pleased to announce the launch of the City’s third annual “Let’s Get Moving” campaign featuring five FREE online workshops to encourage older adults to keep active throughout the month of October.
This year's “Let’s Get Moving” theme is all about staying healthy, active, and connected from home. As we continue to observe the social distancing guidelines that need to remain in place to mitigate community spread of COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to discover ways to continue healthy habits and to stay connected with the community.
Following are details regarding the four FREE online workshops that seniors are encouraged to take part in:
Let's Try Meditation! will take place on Thursday, October 8th. Modo Yoga Brantford will present on the benefits of meditation, and participants will learn more about how this practice can be used to support their mental wellness.
Let's Be Social! takes place on Thursday, October 15th. CMV Social Media Inc, will help to dispel any uncertainty you may have around social media and technology, and participants will learn more about popular social media apps.
Let's Cook Healthy! takes place on Thursday, October 22nd. Cooking at home is an important part of staying healthy as we age. When we are alone, it can sometimes be hard to stay motivated about cooking meals. In this presentation, the Grand River Community Health Centre will be talking about healthy eating: what nutrients to focus on, and tips and ideas on cooking tasty meals for one or two.
The Brant County Health Unit will be back for our final workshop of the series Let's Stand Strong!, which takes place on Thursday, October 29th and highlights ten tips for preventing falls, both in and out of the home.
“As a new senior myself, I was very pleased to raise the CARP (Canadian Association of Retired Persons) flag at City Hall last week to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Seniors Day and to recognize and reflect on the many contributions older adults have made and continue to make in our city”, said Brantford Mayor Kevin Davis. I sincerely hope seniors will take advantage of these terrific ways to stay healthy and connected safely."
Prioritizing seniors' health and wellness, and reducing social isolation is a key component of the City's Healthy Aging Plan. These workshops provide an opportunity for older adults to remain active and connected to our community, which can help to improve overall wellbeing.
Space is limited, and registration for each workshop is required by emailing Chris Henderson at or by calling 519-759-3330 ext. 6279. Learn more at
For more information about how to connect to community supports and virtual programs, please visit the “Seniors At Home” page on the City’s Neighbours Helping Neighbours web section on the City’s website at
Media Contact:
Maria Visocchi Director, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | Office: 519.759.4150 Ext. 5754 |