City announces May 6th Mayoral Office recount process and procedures

BRANTFORD, ON: – On October 25, 2022 the City of Brantford City Clerk and Returning Officer declared the official results for Brantford’s October 24, 2022 municipal election. As per the final count, Mayor Kevin Davis was re-elected to a second term with 9,220 votes.
Following release of the certified results, runner up candidate Dave Wrobel filed an application with the court, naming the City as a defendant, requesting the court order a hand recount of the votes and seeking a declaration as to the validity of the election. In order to avoid a lengthy and expensive tax funded legal process, a resolution to conduct a recount was reached by both parties that was confirmed by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
The Court Order that was issued by the Superior Court of Justice on April 12, 2023 confirmed the settlement reached by the parties. The Court did not consider the matter, but rather, issued a consent Order based on the settlement to conduct a manual recount of the physical ballots cast in the election.
The manual recount of all in-person ballots cast for the Office of Mayor during the October 2022 Municipal Election will be conducted as follows:
Date: Saturday, May 6, 2023
Time: 9:00 a.m. until completed (expected to be complete within 8-9 hours)
Location: Brantford City Hall, 58 Dalhousie St., Brantford, ON
There will be five recount stations set up in Council Chambers, spaced out and divided up into separate rooms. Two staff members will be present at each recount station, along with the Mayoral candidates present and one scrutineer per candidate per each recount station to observe the recount process. At the close of the recount, the counter will total the tally sheets and place the results on a “summary of results” that will be provided to the City Clerk to complete the “Statement of Results.”
As the recount is taking place outside of regular operating hours, City Hall will be closed to the public on Saturday, May 6. Upon completion of the process and certification of the results, the City will issue a public Media Release.
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