City announces additional services to resume as part of Stage 2 gradual reopening process

BRANTFORD, ON: As the City continues to navigate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we remain committed to maintaining clear lines of communication regarding our operations, and the preventative steps we continue to take and implement to ensure the health and safety of both staff and the public.
Last week the Province announced that the City of Brantford and the County of Brant, along with 23 other jurisdictions, are permitted to advance to Stage 2 of the Province’s re-opening plan effective June 12, 2020. Consistent with the Province’s re-opening framework, today, the City announced that additional services will resume as part of the Stage 2 gradual reopening process as follows:
Currently Open/Resumed Services
- Parks and trails for walking and cycling while physical distancing
- Parking lots at parks and trails
- Benches
- Northridge and Arrowdale golf courses
- Disc golf at Mohawk Park
- Tennis and pickleball at Steve Brown Sports Park (two people per court maximum)
- Running track at Steve Brown Sports Park
- Mulch bins
- Dogford Park Dog Park (12-person maximum, 30-minute time limit)
- Dufferin Park Tennis courts from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (12-person maximum)
- Bike Park at Rotary Centennial Waterworks Park from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (15-person maximum, 30-minute time limit)
- Jaycee Park half-pipe
- Multi-use pads
- Picnic Tables and Shelters
- Rain Barrels and Backyard Composters are available for purchase again at the Mohawk Street Landfill Site from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Debit, Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Cash will not be accepted until further notice. Wait times may be longer than normal due to preventative new measures in place to ensure proper physical distancing.
Stage 2 of City of Brantford Reopening Plan
Stage 2 of the City’s Reopening Plan will focus on safely expanding municipal services available to residents as well as returning more municipal staff to workplace environments as necessary. During Phase Two, the City will operate with the following measures in place:
- Some municipal facilities and offices will reopen to the public with safety measures in place including health screening upon entry and guidance to enable physical distancing
- Many City services will be gradually made available online, where possible, and in person at a central location with enhanced health and safety measures in place for staff and the public
- Restrictions on the number of people gathering will follow Provincial Orders
- Most outdoor municipal amenities will be open to the public with strict adherence to physical distancing in place
Newly added effective Wednesday June 17, 2020
- Marriage license services will be made available to the public at City Hall beginning today, Wednesday June 17th by pre-appointment and pre-screening only (no walk-ins), and with new preventative safety measures in place at City Hall. Visitors with appointments at City Hall will be asked to complete a series of screening questions and to sanitize their hands onsite before entering the building. Wearing cloth face coverings is also strongly recommended.
Anyone arriving at City Hall with an appointment who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to delay their visit and to contact the City by phone, email or by a submission request online under the “How Do I” section of the City’s website. The public is reminded that Water and Tax payments continue to only be accepted online at or by mail, or drop box deposit at Brantford City Hall. - Picnic shelters and picnic tables in City Parks are available for public use for 10 people or less while physical distancing guidelines are adhered to. The City will accept rentals for Mohawk Park if preventative social distancing requirements are met.
- Multi – Use Pads (basketball courts) with a maximum of 10 people on the full court and 5 people on the half court will be permitted for training, informal play and family use only while practicing physical distancing (6 ft) from others outside of your 10 person social circle. NO GAMES PERMITTED. Public washrooms onsite will not be available to the public at this time.
- Bookings for recreational/training use only of the following Sports Fields:
- Jaycee Sports Park (softball)
- Steve Brown Sports Park (softball)
- Mayfair Park (baseball)
- Cockshutt Park (hardball, excludes stadium use)
- Kiwanis Field (football, running track)
- Bisons Alumni North Park Sports Complex (football, running track)
- Daubigny Creek Park, George Campbell, Steve Brown Red/Blue and John Wright Soccer Complex (soccer)
Please phone Parks Services at 519-759-4150 to confirm bookings. Park hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. daily. Official full-length games not permitted at this time. 10-person maximum on the field at all times. Physical distancing (6 ft) from others outside of your 10 person social circle must be practiced at all times. All other sports fields remain closed, with limited washrooms facilities at the fields that are open.
Recent changes to attendance at funerals
On June 13, 2020, the Bereavement Authority of Ontario issued a revised directive expanding permissible attendance at funerals and visitations. COVID-19 maximum attendance restrictions now allow for 50 attendees for outdoor funeral services, while the following conditions are being met:
- Persons conducting the funeral must ensure that no more than 50 people are in attendance.
- All persons attending the gathering must remain at least two metres apart from each other and from persons conducting the funeral unless they are members of the same household/10 person limit social circle.
- The persons conducting the funeral must ensure that it is conducted in compliance with the advice, recommendations and instructions of public health officials, including any advice, recommendations or instructions with respect to physical distancing, cleaning or disinfecting.
The City of Brantford Cemeteries recognizes the sensitivities associated with these services and would sincerely appreciate your continued support and understanding to ensure compliance and the safety of your family and friends and our staff at this unprecedented time.
Reopening Saturday June 20, 2020
- The Brantford Farmers’ Market will reopen on Saturday June 20th, from 7am - 2pm, with operational changes and strict preventative measures in place. Customers will be asked a series of COVID-19 screening questions before entry and be reminded to practice physical distancing during their visit. Wayfinding and distancing markings have been installed to provide guidance. To ensure physical distancing can be maintained, a limited number of shoppers (one person per household) will be permitted into the Market building at a time.
Openings pending implementation of preventative measures before operations can resume safely
- Splash Pads at Harmony Square, Bridlepath Park and Mohawk Park
- Skate Park at Brant’s Crossing
The City recognizes the popularity of these amenities and are working very closely with the Brant County Health Unit to ensure they are safe for public use as soon as possible.
Remaining closed/unavailable until further notice
- Park play equipment
- Outdoor exercise equipment
- Select washroom buildings
- City owned Pools
- Lawn bowling
- Bocce
Please visit for a complete list of City closures, cancellations and service modifications during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As some park amenities and outdoor facilities have gradually reopened, the public is reminded not to gather in groups of 10 or more and to practice physical distancing (6 feet) from others at all times in public. Playground structures and other amenities that are caution taped remain closed at this time.
The public is reminded that ATVs, e-bikes and motorized bikes are not permitted on trails. Motorized wheelchairs and scooters used for accessibility are allowed. Bicycles and leashed dogs are also permitted. All trail users must keep a physical distance of at least 2 metres (at least 6 feet) from others at all times in public. The public is also asked not to congregate while using trails.
Stay Vigilant
Patrons of local businesses and services still have a responsibility to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Physical distancing and thorough hand hygiene are still the most effective ways to combat spread of the disease. Wash hands frequently, physically distance yourself two metres from others in public at all times and wear a face covering in situations where physical distancing is difficult.
Additional updates regarding City programs and services will be announced in the coming days and shared on the City’s Facebook and Twitter pages and at
Media Contact
Maria Visocchi - Director, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | 519.751.9900 ext. 5754 |