Brantford Transit to Move to a 15 Passenger Maximum

In order to improve service levels for our customers while continuing to maintain the safety of our operators, Brantford Transit will be allowing a maximum of 15 passengers on all City buses beginning Sunday May 24, 2020.
Although not mandatory, passengers are encouraged to wear face coverings when boarding Brantford Transit and Brantford Lift.
The following service changes are still in effect:
- Blocking off select seats so customers can practice physical distancing while riding the bus
- Asking all customers to board and exit the bus using the rear doors. People with accessibility needs can continue to board and exit using the front doors
- Providing extra services to the industrial areas
- Offering free transit service until further notice, removing the need for people to visit the terminal to buy or renew bus passes
- Reminding customers to only ride the bus for essential travel (e.g. work, medical appointments and grocery shopping)
- Operating on an hourly schedule (every 60 minutes) Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Running evening routes from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. (routes 11,12,13,14 and 15)
- Monday to Friday morning rush half-hour service from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. remains unchanged
- Sunday service remains unchanged and will continue to operate hourly from 8:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.
- All buses are cleaned and disinfected every 24 hours including frequent touchpoints like handrails, buttons, seats and straps
- Each bus automated voice callout system has also been updated to remind passengers to wash their hands and follow COVID-19 best practices as instructed by the driver.
- Brantford Lift service customers are asked to avoid all non-essential travel. Mobility services will be screened as many are older adults who may be more at risk of severe illness
Brantford Transit continues to look at different ways to provide reliable, sustained service for those passengers who need it most and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these changes.
For additional updates regarding City programs and services, and the continuity of essential services visit the City’s Facebook and Twitter pages and