Brantford City Council approves 2025-2027 Youth Strategy

BRANTFORD, ON – At their Committee of the Whole meeting held on November 5, 2024, Brantford City Council unanimously approved the Empowering Youth Strategy for 2025-2027. The updated strategy highlights four priority areas: Leadership and Engagement, Access to Supports, Safety and Belonging, and Training and Employment opportunities for youth in Brantford.
The 2025-2027 Empowering Youth Strategy was developed through collaboration with the Brantford Youth Council, as well as engagement with local youth groups, advocates and youth-serving agencies.
Key initiatives within the Strategy include:
- Launch of a Youth Healthy Relationships Campaign
- Youth Mental Health Resource Fair
- Expansion of the Youth Engagement Series
- Envisioning the Future: Indigenous Youth Consultation Project
- Co-designing cultural and recreational programs with youth in connection with the Inclusive Community Plan
- Increase youth participation in City-supported leadership programs
Brantford City Council were also provided 2022-2024 Youth Strategy final report, which highlighted the development of initiatives such as:
- The Brantford Youth Excellence Awards
- Building Safer Communities Plan to prevent youth violence
- Bad at Sports! Series
- Bridging the Gap - Intergenerational Knowledge Series
- Youth Peer-to-Peer Conversation Videos
Members of the Brantford Youth Council presented the report and highlighted their successes throughout 2024, as well as their plans for the future.
“BYC has a lot of great future plans and we hope to build more youth engagement around decision-making, as youth are the future of Brantford,” said Finley Kronwald, President of the Brantford Youth Council. “We are so happy to have been included in the consultation process for the Empowering Youth Strategy, and we believe that this strategy is important for our community and helps to ensure youth voices have a stronger effect in Brantford.”
“On behalf of City Council, I want to sincerely thank our partners, staff and the Brantford Youth Council for supporting positive youth outcomes in our community,” says City of Brantford Mayor Kevin Davis. “The City of Brantford is helping create a vibrant and prosperous community today, and for the next generations of Brantford residents.”
For more information on the actions of the Empowering Youth Strategy, including opportunities to join the Brantford Youth Council, visit
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Media Contact:
Kelly Page | Communications Specialist, Communications and Community Engagement
City of Brantford | 519-759-4150 ext. 5779 |