AMO 2020 Conference yields very positive outcomes for City of Brantford

Brantford, ON – For more than a century, Ontario’s largest municipal conference has brought together municipal, provincial and federal officials to work collectively to overcome municipal challenges and plan for the future.
Attending online meetings and sessions from August 17 to 19, 2020, the City of Brantford Delegation included Mayor Kevin Davis, CAO Brian Hutchings, Inderjit Hans, General Manager of Public Works and Paul Moore, General Manager of Community Development and Sasha Hill, Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor and CAO.
Over the course of a series of meetings and discussions held during this year’s virtual conference, the Brantford Delegation met with various Ministers including the Honourable Doug Downey, Attorney General, the Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation, the Honourable Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
A very positive outcome of the meeting with the Honourable Caroline Mulroney was confirmation from the Ministry of Transportation that the Ministry’s Operational Review of the Wayne Gretzky Parkway and Highway 403 interchange was complete, and that the North American Development Group plans for redevelopment of Lynden Park Mall can move forward.
“We are very excited that this review is now complete and that plans for development by this major retailer can move forward”, said Mayor Kevin Davis. “This has been a primary infrastructure priority for this term of Council and I’m proud of all the work done by City staff and Council to achieve this very positive and exciting outcome for our community.”
Of additional importance during discussions with Minister Mulroney was advancing the City’s objective to acquire a GO Transit connection link for post-secondary student access.
The meeting with Honourable Jeff Yurek focused on strategies to improve the City’s environmental efforts through an anaerobic digester and green bin system. The delegation met with Honourable Doug Downey, Attorney General to emphasize the need for a new courthouse and suggest suitable locations.
In addition to a series of positive meetings to advance the City’s agenda, Mayor Kevin Davis was also acclaimed to the AMO Board of Directors – Large Urban Caucus. As a Board member, Mayor Davis will continue to have the opportunity to bring Brantford’s voice to the table, raise issues specific to Brantford’s interests, and contribute to AMO’s commitment to advance the mutual interests of Ontario municipalities.
Media Contact:
Maria Visocchi, Director
Communications & Community Engagement | City of Brantford
T: 519-759-4150 ext. 5754 | E: