Airport details
The Brantford Municipal Airport is located about 90 km west of Toronto and 160 km (100 miles) northwest of Buffalo, NY. The airport is just minutes away from highway 403 making it easily accessible for visitors and business patrons alike.
Instrumentation |
REF: N43 07 53 W80 20 23 4WSW 10° W UTC-5(4) Elev 815' VTA A5000 LO6 HI5 CAP OPR: 519-753-2521/ 1241 Reg PF: B-1, 2 C-3,4,5,6 CUST: AOE/15 888-226-7277 PN 14-22Z Mon-Fri exc hols FLT PLN: FIC NOTAM FILE CYFD London 866-WXBRIEF (Toll free within Canada) or 866-541-4104 (Toll free within Canada & USA) FSS: W1 800-INFO FSS SERVICES: Svc avbl 14-22Z aprx O/T PNR FUEL: 100LL, JA-1 FSII, SP OIL: All S:1-,2,3,4,5,6 ICAO Code: CYFD ATC Tel: 001 888 217 1241 Communication - ATF: Unicom ltd. hrs O/T tfc122.825 Time: UTC-5 |
Runway information |

The Brantford Municipal Airport has three asphalt runways:
- Runway 05 (053°)/23(233°)…5000'x100'(1,524m x 30.48m) asphalt
- Runway 11(108°)/29(288°)…2600'x100' (792.48m 30.48m) asphalt
- Runway 17(174°)/35 (354°)…2600'x100'(792.48m 30.48m) asphalt
Lighting |
The Brantford Municipal Airport is equipped with variable three setting, runway edge and threshold lighting. A type-K ARCAL (Aircraft Radio Control of Aerodrome Lighting) allows for night operation of the runway lights. |
Instrument approaches |
The Brantford Municipal Airport has two instrument approaches: A NDB/GPS overlay approach for runway 05 and a RNAV approach for runway 23. |
Charter flights |
Charter flights are available from the Brantford Flight Centre. |
Airport Safety
Brantford Airport Safety Policy
Safety at Brantford Municipal Airport is of the upmost importance. We will provide a complete, clear, and comprehensive process for managing airside safety risks.
The Safety Management System reinforces safety as an integral part of Brantford Airport culture by:
- Minimizing the risks associated with aircraft operations to a point as low as reasonably achievable
- Actively developing and continuously improving upon the airport's safety processes and performance
- Identifying hazards, assessing risks, and implementing necessary control measures
- Establishing an information system for document and records management and data control
- Establishing the means for planned, system wide audits and assessments
- Complying with and, where possible, exceeding Canadian Aviation Regulations requirements
- Establishing a safety culture in all our airport activities, recognizing that safety is paramount
Fuel Policy
The City of Brantford has implemented a $0.04 per litre fuel surcharge on all fuel dispensed at the Brantford Municipal Airport.
Fuel Facilities and Aircraft Refuelling Policy
- Approval of the Brantford Airport Board is required prior to commencement of operation of any refuelling facility. Commencing January 1, 1997, operators of refuelling facilities at the Brantford Airport will require a permit from the Brantford Airport Board. This permit will be subject to annual review. Any infraction of the policy governing refuelling facilities may lead to cancellation of the permit;
- One fuel bowser for AVGAS and one bowser for JET fuel are permitted;
- All fuel tank installations must meet Federal, Provincial, Municipal and Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA) regulations/codes/standards. A copy of the approvals must be filed with the Manager of Corporate Properties, City of Brantford;
- All refuelling must take place in open areas as prescribed by the Fuels Safety Branch of the Technical Standards Division of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations TSSA regulations;
- All above ground refuelling installations must have proper containment as prescribed by the Fuels Safety Branch of the Technical Standards Division of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations TSSA regulations;
- Absolutely no refuelling is allowed in any of the aircraft hangars;
- All personnel operating refuelling trucks or dispensing fuel must be qualified in liquid fuels handling as prescribed by the Fuels Safety Branch of the Technical Standards Division of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations TSSA regulations;
- All relevant legislation – Federal, Provincial and Municipal relating to fuel handling, must be complied with;
- The operator must maintain an Auto insurance policy without an exclusion of Airport use in a minimum amount of $5 million, Product Liability without Airport exclusion and General Commercial Liability Policy in a minimum amount of $5 million, and an Environmental Sudden and Accidental Policy in the amount of $2 million, and the City of Brantford must be added to the policy as an “also insured.” A copy of the endorsement must be filed with the City of Brantford prior to refuelling operations being commenced. The City must be in possession of a current endorsement verifying that insurance coverage is being maintained;
- Refuelling of bowsers must take place in open areas as prescribed by the Fuels Safety Branch of the Technical Standards Division of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations TSSA regulations;
- Fuel suppliers and dispensing agents must keep on site and make available to operators relevant operating manuals;
- Copies of current TSSA licenses, insurance certificates and operator certifications shall be made available to the City of Brantford Manager of Corporate Properties upon request;
- There is a 4-cent per litre surcharge on all fuel dispensed payable to the City of Brantford. Payments are to be made quarterly; amount to be reviewed annually and amended if necessary in the City's Fees and Charges Bylaw;
- All refuelling bowsers and/or on-site fuel tanks shall have suitable portable containment equipment available to contain any fuel spillage as a result of equipment failure as prescribed by the Fuels Safety Branch of the Technical Standards Division of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations TSSA regulations;
- The operator must report any spill of unusual quantity or character to the Spill Action Centre (SAP) immediately at 1-800-268-6060. Any fuel spillage shall be reported to the Airport Manager and an assessment will be made for any environmental impact. This shall be reported to the Manager of Corporate Properties, who in turn will notify the Airport Board as soon as possible;
- A review of Airport Policy No. 3: Fuel Facilities/Aircraft Refuelling is to be conducted annually.
All terms of the Airport Policy are in effect and must be observed by all companies and individuals attending the Brantford Municipal Airport site. Failure to comply may result in a prohibition of companies or agents delivering or dispensing fuel at the Brantford Municipal Airport.
Flight planning
The following links will help you plan your flight to our airport:
Flight planning links |
- NavCanada is an air navigation service that offers web-based NOTAM information to facilitate flight planning
- Aviation weather information is available from NavCanada
- Brantford's five-day weather forecast (weather station on site)
- Canada Customs information on CANPASS and the procedures to follow when a general aviation aircraft enters Canada
Aviation and airside contact
Brantford Flight Centre Terminal Building, UNICOM and FBO/Fuel Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (seven days per week)
Hours after 5:00 p.m. may vary. Contact the Brantford Flight Centre for confirmation.
Airport Manager - Shaun Broughton
110 Aviation Avenue, P.O. Box 903, Brantford, Ontario N3T 5S1
Emergency/After Hours Phone: 519-762-2521
Phone: 519-753-2521
Fax: 519-753-3617