Robert Moore Park Redevelopment

At their Special City Council meeting held July 18, 2023, Brantford City Council directed City staff to develop and implement a new and improved Robert Moore Park at the Sydenham-Pearl lands at 17 and 22 Sydenham Street. The new neighbourhood park will be over 2 acres in size, nearly double the size of the current location of Robert Moore Park at 115 Albion Street.

Park features will include an upgraded playground featuring a climber and swing set, as well as field space, a community garden, a multi-purpose pad with 4 square and basketball capacity, a multi-use half court and a school yard sandlot. While not currently funded, the size of the new park can also accommodate the addition of a splash pad that will be considered at a later date.

Robert Moore Park - project questions and answers

Why is the neighbourhood getting a new park?
A new park, double in size that will include a series of modern park amenities, is being developed to better serve the needs of the neighbourhood. The new park will be located at the City owned Sydenham-Pearl lands at 17 and 22 Sydenham Street. 
Why can’t the current park at 115 Albion St. remain park space?
One third of the current Robert Moore Park space at 115 Albion St. is already privately owned. Brantford City Council has directed City staff to accept a sale offer for the remaining two thirds of the lands at 115 Albion St. as plans were already underway to upgrade Robert Moore Park by doubling the size of the park and allowing for more modern amenities at a new location. 
When will the new park be built?

Construction of the new park is expected to be complete by the end of December 2024.  The current park space will remain dedicated to recreational park use until such a time as the new park is developed so that the neighbourhood will never be without a Robert Moore Park. Below is a very preliminary design concept outlining what the new park could look like.

Robert Moore Park Redevelopment Concept

Will the public have an opportunity to provide input on what should be included in the new park?
Yes. The City’s park development process includes several opportunities for community engagement that will be shared in the coming months.