Trees and Forestry

Trees on City property

Preserving trees is an important part the environmental health of our City. The recently updated City Tree Protection By-law (94-2024) sets standards to help ensure that City trees can grow and thrive. This by-law mandates that City trees on public property that are otherwise considered to be healthy and are removed, be replaced with a great number of trees based on the size of the tree removed.  From this, City staff are responsible for administering the removal of City trees in such instances and the planting of replacement trees. Please refer to 'Schedule A and B' in the City Tree Protection By-law (94-2024) for further information on tree species exempt from replacement, as well as the tree replacement compensation values. 

These changes also support the goals and objects of the City of Brantford's Climate Action Plan to enhance the City's urban canopy and mitigate impacts of climate change.

  • Did You Know? Older, larger trees sequester more carbon than smaller, younger trees.
  • Did You Know? Boulevard trees are planted and maintained by the City.

City-owned trees - prohibited activities

There are several activities which can harm the health of a tree, as well as  affect its ability to grow properly. Under the City Tree Protection By-law (94-2024), the following actions are prohibited:

  • Attaching any object, structure, or animal to a tree on City property (such as signs/posters, hammocks, pet leashes, swings, etc.)
  • Disposing of or storing any construction debris around the trunk of a tree on City property
  • Applying any fertilizer, pest control, or any substance other than water to a tree on City property
  • Injuring, removing, disturbing, damaging, destroying, cutting above or below ground, pruning, treating, or altering in any way a City-owned tree without proper approval
  • Removing any City tree or woody debris that has fallen or has been cut down by the City in a natural area

Tree Inventory Project

An inventory of trees on City property will be taking place from fall 2023, and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. The purpose of this inventory is to create a digital record of all City-owned trees. This will help the City in future planning to continue to maintain the beneficial urban forest canopy across Brantford. Contracted, certified arborists will be measuring and assessing the health of our trees.

Planting trees

Forestry Services plant approximately 500 trees per year along streets and in parks. A wide variety of tree species and sizes are chosen to suit each location - depending on soil type, sun/shade, wind, drought, salt tolerance, overhead and underground utilities and and space available (narrow traffic median vs. expansive turf areas in parks). It's our goal that every home in Brantford has at least one municipal tree to increase the City’s tree canopy coverage. 

In support of the City of Brantford's Community Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), an annual residential Free Tree Giveaway Program celebrates Earth Day by giving away free trees to residents of Brantford.

Tree maintenance

Forestry Services are responsible for all trees on City property and tree maintenance work is organized and undertaken in priority order, with the goal of maintaining safe conditions for residents. Trees along the roadway and in proximity to hydro lines require more oversight than trees in parks and woodlands. Forestry staff includes Forestry Technicians who inspect trees and create work orders for both City arborists/crews as well as contracted forestry crews. 

Tree safety services

Emerald Ash Borer removal
We remove all ash trees from City streets and parks because of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). An EAB is an invasive beetle that feeds on and destroys ash trees. We've removed almost all ash trees and will continue replanting and stumping over the next few years. We will also be looking at ash tree removals in woodlots and natural areas where they may pose a risk to trails, private property and/or buildings. Trees needing removal are marked with orange paint. Learn more about the Emerald Ash Borer.
Work orders
Work orders respond to needs from residents concerning trees. Call us or email us  if you have any of the following concerns regarding trees:
  • safety
  • dead branches
  • a dead tree
  • low branches
  • bug or disease problems
  • requests for a new tree

If we can't solve your problem over the phone or by email, we will make a work order so a certified arborist can inspect the situation. We inspect work orders in priority sequence. 

Hydro maintenance 
Through the Electrical Safety Authority of Ontario and the Ontario Electricity Act, all trees in proximity to hydro lines are regularly pruned for required clearances. Different power lines (high voltage primary lines vs. low voltage secondary service lines) have different clearance requirements. It can take a few years to cycle through the city and prune every tree for hydro clearances. This is an integral component of providing Brantford with a reliable supply of the electricity we all depend on. If you have any issues with trees in proximity to hydro lines, please contact Grandbridge Energy.
Construction around City trees

If construction is happening around a tree on City property, please contact the City for how staff can work with you to ensure the tree is protected from possible construction-related damage.

Tree By-laws

The City has the following tree bylaws:

Trees replacement compensation values on private property

We encourage you to plant trees on your property too!

The recently updated Private Tree By-law (95-2024), replaces Private Tree By-law (119-2017) from 2017 and enhances the protection of private trees in designated woodlots and other protected areas as defined in the City’s Official Plan. The new regulations came into effect on July 1, 2024, and will better protect environmentally sensitive areas while balancing the interests of property owners.

The Private Tree By-law (95-2024) features updated language and tools for investigations and enforcement, along with revised woodlot mapping and a list of protected species. There are new requirements for the replacement of private trees based on the diameter of the tree to be removed or injured under a Tree Permit. This value in diameters shall correspond to the number of replacement trees. Similar to the City Tree Protection By-law (94-2024), please see the below chart for further details.

Tree replacement compensation values
DBC (cm) of tree approved for removalRequired tree replacement ratio
0 to 30 3:1
31 to 40 4:1
41 to 50 5:1
51 to 60 6:1
61 to 70 7:1
71 to 80 8:1
81 to 90 9:1
91 or more 10:1

The updated by-law does not affect the average homeowner, but rather provides greater protection for trees in environmentally sensitive areas and woodlots above one acre, areas which have the greatest impact on the City’s urban tree canopy.

Tree protection by-laws on private property

Under the Private Tree By-law (95-2024), the following actions are prohibited:

  • Except under the authority of a permit, no person shall injure or destroy a tree of any size or cause or permit the injury or destruction of a tree of any size within a one acre or greater woodlot;
  • Destroy a tree of any size or cause or permit the injury or destruction of a tree of any size in a core natural area;
  • No permit holder or person acting under authority of a permit shall fail to protect a tree in accordance with all conditions of a permit;
  • No person who has been issued a 'Stop Work Order' or a 'Work Order' shall fail to comply with the order.

Apply to remove a tree on private property

The City's protects certain rare species and a few woodlots on private property. Brantford has 11 rare species and 32 protected woodlots. 

An Application to Remove Trees on Private Property is required if you wish to complete tree work that could result in injury or removal under the following conditions.

  • Trees of any size within a one acre or greater woodlot, as depicted in the map attached as 'Schedule A' to this by-law;
  • Trees of any size on lands depicted within 'Core Natural Areas' as shown in 'Schedule 6' of the City of Brantford Official Plan;
  • Trees of the species set forth in 'Schedule C' of this By-law at any location within the City; and
  • Lands upon which there is an application pending for any of the following development approvals: (1) A plan of subdivision; or (2) a description under the Condominium Act.
  • The property contains rare or protected species 

For questions or to submit your completed application, please email or give us a call at 519-759-4150.

When to hire an arborist

When branches reach too high overhead and are difficult to trim it may be time to seek professional help. There are several guides we suggest in helping find an arborist:

Check for an Arborist Certification

The International Society of Arboriculture runs tests to skilled experts covering all aspects of tree care.  Visit the International Society of Arboriculture website for info on why hiring a certified Arborist is important.

Ask for proof of insurance

You can phone an insurance company listed on the document to confirm the accuracy of the insurance policy.


Ask for local references doing similar work to what you are looking to do. Also ask if they are members in a professional organization.


We suggest a minimum of three estimates to make sure you're getting the right price. When choosing an arborist, weigh the credentials, references, and quality of workmanship you can expect from each estimate.

Be careful of door-to-door sales for tree pruning or removal

Most decent tree service companies are too busy to ask work this way.  Wrong or poor quality tree work can take years to correct itself, if at all. 

Tree stumps and pegs

Pegs are standing trunks of a large tree that we've partially removed. The trunks are stable and left at a height below the lowest set of power lines because they do not pose a risk. We remove pegs based on the date of the tree removal, oldest to newest.
Stumps are removed between the spring and fall seasons, when sod is available. If you have sprouts growing on the stump, please feel free to trim them off with hand pruners or loppers. We do not allow the use of power tools on City property. Due to the Emerald Ash Borer and high volume of ash tree removals, we currently have a higher volume of stumps.

Free mulch

The City offers free mulch from their tree and stump removals between April and November. Availability is on a first-come-first-served basis and may not always be available. Mulch is not placed behind any gates. Pick-up locations include:

  • Cockshutt Park (35 Sherwood Drive), located behind Arnold Anderson Stadium along the parking lot
  • Public Works (10 Earl Avenue), located to the left prior to the parking lot 

Mulching is one of the most beneficial practices for the health of a tree. Unlike trees growing in a natural forest environment, urban trees are typically growing in harsher environments with infertile soils, lower organic matter, and large fluctuations in soil temperature. Many benefits of mulching include:

  • Improve soil fertility by providing nutrients to trees
  • Suppress weed germination and growth
  • Retain soil moisture and regulate soil temperature (insulation effect)
  • Improve soil structure, aeration, and drainage over time
  • Reduce soil compaction and prevent soil erosion
  • Reduce the likelihood of tree damage from lawn mower

Improper mulching, such as over-mulching or volcano mulching, can kill trees. Hazards of incorrect mulching include:

  • Bark decay/rot due to excessive moisture
  • Poor root development (girdling)
  • Insect or disease issues
  • Reduced penetration of water and air
Proper mulching 
  • Root flare is visible at the base of the tree.
  • Mulch extends wide and flat under the canopy.

Proper Mulching



Improper mulching
  • Root flare is buried by excessive mulch.
  • Mulch piled high up against the trunk.
  • Mulch layer is too deep, over four inches.
Improper Mulching
How to properly mulch a tree
  • Do not pile up mulch against the trunk. Mulch should be pulled away from the trunk.
  • Expose the base (root flare) of the tree. Do not let mulch touch the bark. This allows the tree to breathe. 
  • Make the shape of a flat doughnut.
  • Spread wide to cover the whole area under the tree (dripline). For newly planted trees, spread at least three feet across. 
  • The maximum depth of the ring is three to four inches.

Properly much a tree